Page 21 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 36 (Lviv, 2020)
P. 21

20               Дзюбенко Н. В., Климишин О. С., Бокотей А. А.

                                    9.  ICOM  standards  guidelines  [Електронний  ресурс]  :  [ICOM  website].  –  Режим
                                       доступу   (дата
                                       звернення 12.11.2020)
                                    10. Museum  Standards  Programme  for  Ireland  [Електронний  ресурс]  :  [The  Heritage
                                       Council website]. – Режим доступу
                                       standards-programme-for-ireland (дата звернення 12.11.2020)
                                    11. Poll, R. Quality in museums and libraries: a comparison of indicators // Performance
                                       Measurement  and  Metrics.  –  2018.  –  Vol.  19.  –  No.  2.  –  pp.  90-100.
                                    12. SPNHC  Wiki  [Електронний  ресурс]  :  [2020  SPNHC  website].  –  Режим  доступу
                              (дата звернення 12.11.2020)
                                    13. The Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections [Електронний ресурс]
                                       :  [2020  SPNHC  website].  –  Режим  доступу  (дата  звернення

                                   1  Державний природознавчий музей НАН України, м. Львів
                                   e-mail: ;
                                   2  Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет, м. Дрогобич

                                   Dzubenko N. V., Klymyshyn O. S., Bokotey A. A.
                                   Museums of natural history: performance indicators and evaluation criteria
                                      The existing system of performance indicators of natural history museums in Ukraine, based on the
                                   analysis of the Ukrainian legislate framework and the study of foreign experience are considered in the work.
                                   It is proved that the criteria for evaluating of natural history museums performance of various profiles and
                                   subordination today are ineffective and do not reflect the real state of affairs. The efficiency of natural history
                                   museums performance is assessed in accordance with quantitative indicators (visitors number, units in the
                                   collection,  etc.),  but  the  quality  of  services  is  not  mention.  The  emphasizes  to  develop  and  apply  a
                                   standardized evaluation of museums performance as one of the most important steps towards reforming the
                                   entire museum industry in Ukraine was done.
                                      Key words: museums of natural history, natural historical museology, performance evaluation, efficiency
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