Page 133 - Наукові записки Державного природознавчого музею, 2023 Вип. 39
P. 133

130                       Кіт Н.А., Щербаченко О.І.

                                    Leung  D.  2018.  Studies  of  Catalase  in  Plants  Under  Abiotic  Stress.  In  book:  Antioxidants  and
                                       Antioxidant Enzymes in Higher Plant. Р. 7−39. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-75088-0_2
                                    Mittler  R.,  Vanderauwera  S.,  Suzuki  N.,  Miller  G.,  Tornetti  V.B.,  Vandepoele  K.,  Gollery  M.,
                                       Shulaev V., Van Breusegem F. 2011. ROS signaling: the new wave?  Trend Plant Sc. T. 16.
                                       P. 300-309.
                                    Proctor M.C.F., Tuba Z. 2002. Poikilohidry and homoiohydry: antithesis or spectrum of possibilities.
                                       New Phytologist. Vol. 156. P. 327−349.
                                    Pucciariello C., Banti V., Perata P. 2012. ROS signaling as common element in low oxygen and heat
                                       stresses. Plant Physiol. Biochem. T. 59. P. 3−10.
                                    Rabyk  I.V.,  Lobachevska  O.V.,  Kyyak  N.Y.,  Shcherbachenko  O.I.  2018.  Bryophytes  on  the
                                       devastated  territories  of  sulphur  deposits  and  their  role  in  restoration  of  dump  substrate
                                       Biosystems Diversity. 26 (4). Р. 339−353. DOI:10.15421/011850
                                    Wang  W.,  Cheng  D.,  Liu  D.  2019.  The  Catalase  Gene  Family  in  Cotton:  Genome-Wide
                                       Characterization   and   Bioinformatics   Analysis.   Cells.   Vol. 8  № 2.  Р.  86–114.

                                   Інститут екології Карпат НАН України, м. Львів

                                   Kit N.A., Shcherbachenko O.I.
                                   Peculiarities  of  the  morpho-physiological  reactions  of  mosses  depending  on  the  water-
                                   temperature regime of their local growth
                                      The  morphological  structure  of  and  the  activity  of  the  catalase  of  mosses  Ptychostomum
                                   imbricatulum  and  Brachythecium  rutabulum  depending  on  microclimatic  conditions  of  their  local
                                   growth were studied. The morphological variability of moss turfs in different ecological conditions of
                                   forest ecosystems was established, in particular, the influence of the level of moisture in local growth
                                   on the morphometric parameters of mosses (the density of the turf, the height of the shoots and their
                                   foliage and the size of the leaves) was revealed. It is shown that the morphological structure of the turfs
                                   of the mosses Ptychostomum imbricatulum and Brachythecium rutabulum is important for moisture
                                   conservation and depends on the microclimatic conditions of local growth and the life form of the
                                   species. It is shown that the increase in the content of hydrogen peroxide as a signaling mediator is a
                                   component of the antioxidant protection system. It was established that the highest content of hydrogen
                                   peroxide  was  in  shoots  of  P.  imbricatulum  from  the  territory  of  pine  plantations,  where  the
                                   microclimatic  conditions  are  the  least  favorable.  The  obtained  results  indicate  the  existence  of
                                   interdependence between the formation of reactive oxygen species and the activity of catalase as one
                                   of the key enzymes of antioxidant protection, which indicates the signaling role of reactive oxygen
                                   species in moss cells under stress conditions. The dependence of catalase activity in moss cells on the
                                   level  of  hydration  of  their  turfs  was  established.  The  activation  of  catalase  in  adverse  water  and
                                   temperature conditions in the shoots of the studied species indicates the participation of the enzyme in
                                   the adaptation of plants to stress and is due to the strengthening of free radical oxidation processes, in
                                   particular, an increase in the content of hydrogen peroxide.
                                      Key  words:    mosses,  microclimatic  conditions,  morphological  structure,  life  form,  hydrogen
                                   peroxide, catalase.
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