Page 221 - Наукові записки Державного природознавчого музею, 2022 Вип. 38
P. 221

218                            Заморока А.М.

                                    Zamoroka A.M. 2021. Is Clytini monophyletic? The evidence from five-gene phylogenetic analysis.
                                       Наукові  записки  Державного  природознавчого  музею.  Вип.  37.  С.  191-214.
                                    Zamoroka A.M. 2022. The longhorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of Ukraine: Results of two
                                       centuries   of   research.   Biosystem   diversity.   Vol.   30   No   1.   P.   46-74.

                                   Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника,

                                   Zamoroka A.M.
                                   Proposals for unification and use of the Ukrainian national nomenclature for native and exotic
                                   species  of  the  longhorn  beetles  (Coleoptera:  Cerambycidae)  in  Ukraine.  Part  I:  subfamilies
                                   Spondylidinae and Prioninae
                                      Here,  I  presented  the  study  on  historical  development  and  changes  in  the  Ukrainian  national
                                   nomenclature of the longhorn beetles, which traditionally named "Skrypuny". I collected and arranged
                                   the traditional  Ukrainian names for the longhorn beetles,  their regional  variations, and historical
                                   attempts for their codifications. Since the middle of XIX century, vernacular names, collected in folklore
                                   expeditions, of certain groups of the longhorn beetles have been published in multiple scientific papers
                                   and  school  textbooks  of  zoology.  On  the  beginning  of  XX  century,  most  vernacular  names  of  the
                                   longhorn  beetles  have  been  relevantly  arranged  in  the  dictionaries  of  the  Ukrainian  zoological
                                   nomenclature.  The  development  of  the  Ukrainian  national  zoological  nomenclature  was  forcibly
                                   stopped in the early 1930s. Due to the politics of "internationalization" and artificial "convergence of
                                   languages"  in  the  USSR,  the  traditional  Ukrainian  vernacular  names  were  withdrawn  from  the
                                   scientific use and replaced by "Vusachi" consonant with the Russian. In the second half of XX century,
                                   the Ukrainian vernacular names of the longhorn beetles were repeatedly replaced by Russian tracings
                                   and  Latin  transliterations  in  specialized  zoological  dictionaries and  in  the  general  dictionaries of
                                   Ukrainian language. In the current paper, I proposed methodological approaches to the derivation and
                                   standardization of Ukrainian vernacular names based on the Ukrainian Spelling. I also substantiated
                                   the reasons for choosing certain Ukrainian vernacular names for scientific use parallelly with the
                                   scientific Latin name. In the Part I, I presented Ukrainian names for 46 taxa, including 1 subfamily, 10
                                   tribes, 17 genera, and 17 species.
                                      Key words: Ukrainian nomenclature, the longhorn beetles, Cerambycidae.
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