Page 15 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 36 (Lviv, 2020)
P. 15

14                            Чернобай Ю.М.

                                    22. Vernadsky W. I. The Biosphere and the Noosphere / W. I. Vernadsky. – American
                                       Scientist. – 1945. – T. 33. – P. 1-12.

                                   Державний природознавчий музей НАН України, м. Львів

                                   Chernobay Yu.
                                   Museum representation of coevolutionary metamorphosis of the environment and behavior
                                      The museum serves as an effective tool for learning and evaluating the latest signs of valorization
                                   of  natural  objects  and  environmental  and  social  phenomena.  Unlike  departments  and  institutes
                                   specialized in biological disciplines, the museum has a wide range of cognitive competencies for the
                                   public. Social isolation, active transition to remote methods of communication, as well as psychological
                                   tensions make clear the socio-natural problems that existed before the pandemic. Along with a clear
                                   differentiation of methods of behaviorism and ethology, their nomenclature additions, it is necessary to
                                   use  important  manifestations  of  the  integration  of  these  areas  of  psychology.  To  solve  this
                                   methodological problem by force only by methods of museological interpretations.
                                      The paradigm of coevolution provides an opportunity to operate with the concept of evolutionary
                                   process in relation to heterogeneous socio-biotic systems. In the Carpathian region, the sociological
                                   strategy  should  integrate  the  positive  aspects  of  fragmentation.  Models  of  such  coevolutionary
                                   integration are various complexes – from indigenous soil-detrital complexes of substrates and reducers
                                   to coenopopulations of species. It is the soil profiles of succession series that reflect the history of
                                   coevolution of  secondary ecosystems and act  as reliable benchmarks in the diagnosis of  probable
                                   changes.  Behavioral  principles  of  behavioral  ecology  should  become  a  normative  element  in  the
                                   knowledge of coevolutionary changes, and the museum serves as a universal center of analysis and
                                   forecast of further coevolutionary development of human-nature relations.
                                      Key  words:  community,  environment,  coronavirus  infection  COVID-19,  self-isolation,
                                   fragmentation, social barriers, social behavior, coevolution.
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