Page 123 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 36 (Lviv, 2020)
P. 123

114    Кагало О. О., Омельчук О. С., Орлов О. Л., Рагуліна М. Є., Сичак Н. М.

                                       охорони) / С. М. Стойко, П. Т. Ященко, О. О. Кагало та ін. – Львів : Ліга-Прес, 2004. – 232 с.
                                    13. Стан  довкілля  у  Львівській  області  (за  результатами  моніторингових  досліджень).
                                       Інформаційно-аналітичний  огляд  (ІV  квартал  2013  року).  [Електронний  ресурс]:
                                    14. Червона книга України. Рослинний світ / за ред. Я. П. Дідуха. – К. : Глобалконсалтинг,
                                       2009. – 900 с.
                                    15. Чорнобай Ю., Малиновський А., Третяк П. Розбудова екомережі на Львівщині // Жива
                                       Україна. – 2009. – № 3-4. – С. 8-9.
                                    16. Шушняк  В.,  Савка  Г.  Передумови  та  созологічна  доцільність  створення  регіонального
                                       ландшафтного  парку  на  приміських  землях  Львова  //  Вісник  Львівського  ун-ту.  Серія
                                       географічна. – 2014. – Вип. 45. – С. 436-442.
                                    17. Davies C. E., Moss D., Hill M. O. EUNIS Habitat Classification Revised 2004 / Report to the
                                       European Topic Centre on Nature Protection and Biodiversity. – Paris: European Environment
                                       Agency, 2004. – 307 р.
                                    18. Best practice guidance for habitat survey and mapping / Smith G., O’Donoghue P., O’Hora K. et
                                       al. – Dublin : The Heritage Council, 2011. – 132 p.
                                    19. Boiko M. F. The Second checklist of Bryobionta of Ukraine // Chornomors’k. bot. z. – 2014. –
                                       10, № 4. – C. 426-487. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/14.104/2.

                                   1  Інститут екології Карпат НАН України, м. Львів
                                   2  Музей народної архітектури і побуту у Львові імені Климентія Шептицького
                                   3  Державний природознавчий музей НАН України, м. Львів

                                   Kagalo A., Omelchuk O., Orlov O., Ragulina M., Sytschak N.
                                   The habitat diversity and its sosological evaluation of the Lviv museum of folk architecture as an
                                   example of previous analysis of anthropogenic landscape demutations
                                      The habitats diversity of Lviv Skansen was researched and it sozological value was estimated. On
                                   the territory of Skansen, 19 types of habitats belonging to 12 groups of 7 classes have been identified
                                   and described. Among them, 14 types have an anthropogenic origin, 3 – semi-natural, and only one –
                                   natural. On the territory of the museum were found 2 species of vascular plants listed in the Red Book
                                   of  Ukraine  –  Allium  ursinum  L.  and  Epipactis  helleborine  (L.)  Crantz,  as  well  as  naturalized
                                   populations of cultural Crocus sp. and Leucojum vernum L. From the sozological point of view, tree
                                   habitats – highly artificial broadleaved deciduous forestry plantations, coniferous forestry plantations
                                   and hard water source settlements on tuff and travertine formations – are of the greatest importance.
                                   The last one is a new type of habitat for region, barely studied. Currently, only one location is known
                                   in the vicinity of Lviv (Bryukhovychi). On the territory of the European Union, this habitat is included
                                   in  the  list  of  particularly  valuable  habitats  of  the  NATURA-2000  environmental  network.  Highly
                                   artificial broadleaved deciduous forestry plantations habitats, although formed by non-native species,
                                   are currently ongoing through demutation proces. During the years of absence any cuttings or other
                                   forms of management, the plantations of Robinia pseudoacacia L. and Aesculus hippocastanum L. were
                                   replaced by semi-natural forests from young undergrowth of Betula pendula Roth, Acer platanoides L.
                                   and Picea abies (L.) H.Karst. The grass layer in these forestry plantations is represented by fragments
                                   of  typical  nemoral  species.  Thus,  despite  the  anthropogenic  origin  of  the  habitats  formed  in  Lviv
                                   Skansen, they play an important role in the conservation and distribution of biodiversity and help
                                   maintain the stability of green corridors of sub- and urban areas.
                                      Key words: habitat, sozological valuating, woods, threats, ecological network, vegetation.

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