Page 156 - Наукові записки ДПМ. Т 35/2019
P. 156

150                              Глеб Р.Ю.

                                    36. Zapałowicz H. Przyczynek do roślinności Czarnej Hory, Czywczyna i Alp Rodnenskich // Spraw.
                                       Kom. Fizyjogr. – 1882. – 16. – S. 64-78.
                                    37.  Zapałowicz H. Roślinna szata gór Pokucko-Marmaroskich // Spraw. Kom. Fizyjogr. – 1889. –
                                       24. – S. 1-389.
                                    38. Zlatník  A.,  Korsuň  F.,  Kočetov  F.  a  Kseneman  M.,  1938.  Prozkum  přirozených  lesů  na
                                       Podkarpatské Rusi – Díl první // Sborník Výzkumných Ústavů Zemědělských ČSR, sv. 152.
                                       Brno, Ministerstvo zemědělství republiky Československé.

                                   Карпатський біосферний заповідник, Закарпатська обл., м. Рахів

                                   Hleb R.Yu.
                                   Geographic and taxononomic structure of the mountainous flora of Pop Ivan Maramureș
                                      The analysis of the systematic structure of the flora of the highland flora Maramorosh is carried
                                   out. The list of the studied flora includes 108 species belonging to 80 genera and 36 families – 20.9%
                                   of the flora of the Maramureș massive of the Carpathian biosphere reserve. The main indicators of the
                                   systematic structure of the investigated flora are analyzed: species composition, spectra of the leading
                                   families and genera. In the spectrum of leading families, Asteraceae (20 species; 18,5%), Poaceae (10;
                                   8,3%), Ranunculaceae (7; 6,5%), Campanulaceae (6; 5,6%), and Ericaceae (5; 4,6%). Most species
                                   belong to the genera - Ranunculus (4 species; 3,7%), Gentiana (4 species; 3,7), and Campanula (4
                                   species; 3,7) and make up 11.1% of the total species. The kernel in the studied flora consists of three
                                   types of geographic elements: Montan (38 species), Alpine (25 species) and Boreal (17 species), typical
                                   for the highlands of the Ukrainian Carpathians. The low percentage of azonal element and a large
                                   number of endemic species reflects a small anthropogenic impact of the past on the ecosystem data.
                                      Key words: highlands, Maramureș, Deyl, geographic range of species.
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