Page 31 - Наукові записки Державного природознавчого музею, 2022 Вип. 38
P. 31

30                  Кузярін О. Т, Любинець І. П., Хомин І. Г.

                                   Kuzyarin O.T., Lyubynets I.P., Khomyn I.G.
                                   Phytocenotic conditions and structure of the local population for Betula humilis Schrank
                                   near Zhornyska village (Ukrainian Roztochchia)
                                      Phytocoenotic conditions and structure of the local population for Betula humilis in the north-
                                   eastern environs of the village Zhornyska, Yavoriv district, Lviv region, on the territory of the
                                   Roztochchia International Biosphere Reserve have been studied. Four coenopopulations (CP) of
                                   the species are confined to secondary plant communities of sicaciogenic and pyrogenic successions
                                   with different sod levels of the peat soil, as well as missing or unequally expressed tree layer. The
                                   least transformed communities with the dominance of B. humilis (40-80% p.c.) in the shrub layer
                                   and no stands in terms of floristic composition and spatial structure correspond to the derived
                                   mesohygrophytic and hygromesophytic variants of the association Betuletum humilis Steffen 1931.
                                   The most transformed areas with sparse tree layer are represented by pioneer forest communities
                                   -  birch  woodlands.  Seventy-five  species  of  higher  plants  (seventy  vascular  plants  and  five
                                   bryophytes) were found in the floristic composition of phytocenoses. The minimal participation of
                                   helophytes  and  the  presence  of  invasive  species  indicate  a  high  level  of  mesophytization  and
                                   synanthropization of modern phytocenoses. Within the locality B. humilis forms different in area
                                   and  density  of  formation  shoots  (turions)  of  the  colony-curtain  mainly  from  semi-autonomous
                                   subpartial bushes 0.3-2.2 m tall. The largest curtains (up to 300 m ) with a high density of living
                                   formation shoots (up to 293 pcs/m ) are confined to open well-lit areas. The age of old skeletal axis,
                                   not exceeding 9 years was determined and the annual growth of shoots has been calculated. The
                                   parameters of seed productivity (SP) of the local population of B. humilis vary within: potential SP
                                   - 89.48–109.24 seed germs, actual SP - 80.84–100.4 seeds. The coefficient of seed productivity is
                                   quite high (86.69-92.16%) for all coenopopulations. Based on the results of research and analysis
                                   of the literature the life form of B. humilis, which belongs to vegetatively mobile hypogeogenic-
                                   geoxyl deciduous shrubs that form colonies or clones of (semi) autonomous (sub) partial (daughter)
                                   shrubs and are characterized by monopodial-sympodial shoots growth has been clarified. The big
                                   life cycle of the species characteristic of shrubs consists of development cycles for systems shoots
                                   formation  (main  skeletal  axes),  which  are  successively  replaced,  and  lasts  for  decades.  The
                                   development  cycle  of  the  system  formation  shoot  covers  the  periods  of  intensive  growth
                                   (appearance of  formation shoot from an additional  or dormant  bud in the first  year),  relative
                                   stabilization of growth processes with the formation of first and higher-order branching shoots
                                   (from second to tenth years) and ageing and death of shoots (after about ten years of age).
                                      Key  words:  Betula  humilis,  habitat,  phytocenotic  conditions,  coenopopulations,  density  of
                                   formation shoots, annual growth of shoots, seed productivity, Ukrainian Roztochchia.
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