Page 123 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 37 (Lviv, 2021)
P. 123

122                           Щербаченко О. І.

                                       12.  Rabyk, I.V., Lobachevska, O.V., Kyyak, N.Y., & Shcherbachenko, O.I. (2018). Bryophytes
                                          on the devastated territories of sulphur deposits and their role in restoration of dump substrate.
                                          Biosystems Diversity, 26(4), 339–353. [DOI:10.15421/011850]

                                   Інститут екології Карпат НАН України, Львів

                                   Shcherbachenko O.I.
                                   Resistance of mosses Bryum аrgenteum Hedw. and Funaria hygrometrica Hedw. to the effect
                                   of heavy metal ions
                                      The tolerance of vegetative and generative clones of mosses of B. argenteum and F. hygrometrica
                                   from background and anthropogenically transformed territories to the influence of heavy metal ions
                                   was experimentally investigated. It has been established that the increase of the resistance of moss to
                                   the  influence  of  heavy  metal  ions  occurs  through  the  activation  of  growth  and  physiological-
                                   biochemical processes. The level of adaptability of mosses depended on the concentration of toxic ions,
                                   the growing environment, and the vital strategy of the moss. It was established that with increasing
                                   concentration of lead ions in the environment, the generative propagation of mosses was suppressed,
                                   the percentage of germination of spores decreased, the differentiation of protonema and the speed of
                                   gametophore  development  slowed  down,  the  size  of  cells,  number  and  size  of  leaves  decreased.
                                   Obviously,  under  the  influence  of  elevated  lead  concentrations,  significant  changes  in  metabolic
                                   processes occurred in moss cells and showed signs of xeromorphism. The results of the analysis of the
                                   rates of gametophyte differentiation and the state of the antioxidant system of mosses B. argenteum and
                                   F.  hygrometrica,  depending  on  the  content  of  heavy  metal  ions,  show  different  adaptive  capacity.
                                   Changes  in  the  rate  of  gametophyte  differentiation  and  the  activity  of  superoxide  dismutase  and
                                   catalase  antioxidant  enzymes  have  been  shown  to  be  sensitive  biomarkers  of  the  resistance  of
                                   generative and vegetative moss clones to heavy metal contamination of man-made territories.
                                      Key  words:  mosses,  tolerance,  heavy  metal  ions  vegetative  and  generative  clones  superoxide
                                   dismutase, catalase.
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