Page 167 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 36 (Lviv, 2020)
P. 167

158                            Середюк Г. В.

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                                    2.  Ліси  Закарпаття.  Сучасний  стан,  використання  та  охорона  /  Федурця  І.  Ю.,  Печер  І.  І.,
                                       Кічура В. П., Крічфалушій В. В., Сабадош В. І., Крочко Ю. І., Луговой О. . – Ужгород,
                                       1997. – 55 с.
                                    3.  Малиновський А. К. Висотний розподіл рослинного покриву Українських Карпат // Наук.
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                                    4.  Малиновський К. А. Високогірна рослинність Українських Карпат. –Київ : Наук. думка,
                                       1980. – 278 с.
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                                   Державний природознавчий музей НАН України, м. Львів

                                   Serecdiuk G.V.
                                   Altitude and biotope distribution of species of a number of Neuroptera fauna of the Ukrainian
                                   Carpathians and the Transcarpathian lowlands.
                                      The species composition of the net-winged insects fauna, as well as the biotope distribution within
                                   the territory of the Ukrainian Carpathians have been studied.
                                      For  the  first  time,  an  altitude-band  analysis  of  the  distribution  of  net-winged  insects  in  the
                                   Ukrainian Carpathians was conducted, which showed that the highest species diversity is characterized
                                   by the belt of oak forests, for which 50 species of reticulated net-winged insects are listed. Seven were
                                   found  to  be  original  for  the  belt:  Chrysopa  hummeli,  Chrysopa  dorsalis,  Chrysopa  hungarica,
                                   Chrysopa nigricostata, Sisyra nigra, Distoleon tetragrammicus, Libelloides macaronius. These species
                                   occur only in this zone and are very rare. It was found that the highest species diversity is characterized
                                   by mixed forests and forest edges, for which 39 species were identified, which is 78% of the total number
                                   of  species  that  occur in  the  belt  of oak forests. The  highest  Magralef  index  for  mixed  oak  forests
                                   (Quercus, Tilia, Acer, Fraxinus, Ulmus, etc.).
                                      For the belt of beech forests, there are 43 species. It was found that the greatest species diversity
                                   is characterized by forest edges, there are 32 species, which is 74% of the total number of species of
                                   beech belt of the Ukrainian Carpathians, 31 species (72%) in beech forest with admixtures of other
                                   deciduous trees. 29 on the edges and in the old beech forests (virgin forests). The highest index of
                                   species richness according to Margalef falls on the edges.
                                      As part of the spruce forest belt, 24 species were noted, ten of which, namely Wesmaelius mortoni,
                                   Wesmaelius  nervosus,  Wesmaelius  ravus,  Wesmaelius  tjederi,  Wesmaelius  concinnus,  Wesmaelius
                                   quadrifasciatus, Hemerobius contumax, Hemerobius feumax, Hemerobius fenestih only within the belt
                                   of spruce forests. Margalef's highest index characterizes young spruce forests.
                                      In the subalpine zone, only four species of reticulated net-winged insects were found – Myrmeleon
                                   formicarius, Wesmaelius nervosus, Wesmaelius ravus and Chrysoperla carnea, in the alpine zone –
                                      Keywords:  net-winged  insects,  Neuroptera,  Ukrainian  Carpathians,  Transcarpathian  lowland,
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