Page 162 - Наукові записки ДПМ. Т 35/2019
P. 162

156                              Орлов О.Л.

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                                   Державний природознавчий музей НАН України, м. Львів

                                   Orlov O.L.
                                   Concept of soil Red book of the Ukrainian Carpathians
                                      The system and method of selection and documentation of soils that need to be included in the Red
                                   Book on the basis of research on natural and anthropogenic soils of the Ukrainian Carpathians were
                                   developed.  Six  categories  of  soil  of  the  Red  Book  such  as  standards of  typical,  rare,  endangered,
                                   cultivated  and  anthropogenic  soils,  unique  soils  have  been  proposed.  Natural  soils  (typical,  rare,
                                   endangered,  unique)  must  functioned  as  soil  etalons  for  changes  evaluation  that  occur  under  the
                                   influence of forest management and recreational pressure, as well as protection of soil diversity. Etalons
                                   of cultivated soils play the role of models for agricultural lands; etalons of anthropogenic soils are used
                                   to determine the condition of land of urbo- and technocomplexes.
                                      Key words: Red soil book, soil diversity, standard, soil, unique soils, Ukrainian Carpathians.
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