Datsko T.M., Kachmar N.V.
Ecological and faunistic characteristics of taxoсenes of Collembola in the agrocenoses of Zhovkivsky (Lviv District) // Proc. of the State Nat. Hist. Mus. - Lviv, 2024. - 40. - P. 69-80
DOI: Key words: synecology, fauna, Collembola, agrocenosis of wheat, potatoes, rape, types of diversity, ecological structure As a result of the conducted research, a total of 43 species of collembola were found, which belong to 29 genera and 10 families. In the course of longer and larger-scale research in agrocenoses, it is possible to detect significantly more species (according to literature data, no less than 70). The studied coenotic fauna (αb-diversity) includes from 5 to 21 species of collembola (on average 13.9). One soil sample (αa-diversity) contains from 1 to 8 species of Collembola (on average 2.1). The highest capacity of the medium for collembola at the level of αa-diversity is characteristic of wheat agrocenosis, and the smallest – of potato. The βa-diversity index of collembola (differentiating diversity) of the studied agrocenoses is 3.5 times higher than in natural biotopes of the broad-leaved forest zone, which is associated with a greater contrast of edaphic conditions of the arable environment. The noted high values of the βa-diversity index in agrocenoses are associated with relatively small values of the so-called point αa-diversity. A noticeable decrease in the ecological capacity of the environment for collembola at the level of αa-diversity in the studied agrocenoses is due to the contrast of physical and chemical conditions in specific edaphotopes, the weak edifying effect of the cultivated crop, as well as the implementation of agrotechnical measures. The analysis of the βα-diversity index shows that the greatest unevenness of intracenotic conditions for collembola was found in agrocenoses of wheat (βα-diversity = 5.9), the average in potatoes (5.3), and the smallest in rapeseed (4.7, respectively). The indicator of the average population of collembola in the studied types of agrocenoses varies in a 30-fold interval of values. It has the highest average value in wheat agrocenosis and the lowest value in potato. However, in comparison with natural forest and meadow coenoses, the maximum indicator of the number of pintails in the studied agrocenoses is about an order of magnitude lower. The obtained data on the share of families in the studied coenotic fauna generally agree with the literature data that are known for the natural coenoses of western Ukraine.  
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