Lenevych O.I., Pankiv Z.P.
Nature management features in the National Nature Park «Skolivski Beskydy» // Proc. of the State Nat. Hist. Mus. - Lviv, 2024. - 40. - P. 133-142
DOI: Key words: categories of land, forest fund, recreational area, National Nature Park «Skolivski Beskydy», Skole Military Forestry The article analyzes the distribution of land within the NNP «Skolivski Beskydy» by landowners and land users. Within the territory transferred to the Park for permanent use, the area of land is 35261.2 hectares, of which 10892.0 hectares of land are included in the boundaries of the National Nature Park without their withdrawal from land users (Skole forestry). The lands provided to the Park for permanent use are divided into the following functional zones: protected - 23.4%; regulated recreation - 35.3%; stationary recreation - 0.4%; economic - 40.9%. The lands of the Skole Military Forestry are represented only by the economic zone (100%). Out of the six forestries of the Park, the largest share of the protected area is located in the Maidansky and Pidhorodtsivsky forestries. The area of regulated recreation is mainly concentrated in Pidhorodtsi, Butyvlia and Skole forestries, due to the location of some of the most visited locations: Tustan, Parashka and Lopata mountains, Gurkalo and Kamianka waterfalls, Kamianka and Pavliv Stream recreational area, tourist routes and ecological trails. The economic zone makes up a significant share of the Park's area, but its distribution among forestries is relatively even and, compared to two forestries (Korchyn and Korostiv) of the Skole Military Forestry, is much smaller. A significant share of the total area of the Park (35261.2 hectares) is forestry land. According to the forest cadastre compiled by the Lviv Forestry Expedition, it was found that the forested land is 95-98%, the share of non-forested land (arable land, hayfields, pastures, water, swamps, estates, roads, and other non-forested land) is 1.49-3.0%. The main forest-forming tree species of the Skole Beskydy National Park are medieval fir, beech and spruce plantations. The largest areas in the Park are occupied by beech (55.0%), spruce 22.3% and fir 18.5% of the stands. As a result of a scientifically based approach to forest management in the Park, the share of European spruce in the plantations was reduced and the share of fir increased. According to the zoning data, it has been established that the regulated recreation area is mainly composed of lands under forest vegetation, bio-grasslands, hayfields, water, swamps, lakes, etc. The zone of stationary recreation is mainly formed by bio-lawns and hayfields. The protected zone and the economic zone are mainly forest lands covered with forest vegetation, and bio-layers are the ones that are not covered. The difference in the designated zones lies in the approaches to nature management. In the protected area, any economic activity is prohibited, except for research. In the economic zone, selective sanitary felling, thinning, lighting, clearing, etc. are carried out.  
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