Shcherbachenko O.I., Sokhanchak R.R.
The morphological variability and photosynthetic activity of the epigeic mosses in the forest ecosystems depending on the ecological locality conditions // Proc. of the State Nat. Hist. Mus. - Lviv, 2024. - 40. - P. 125-132
DOI: Key words: mosses, microclimatic conditions, morphological structure, life form, photosynthetic intensity The peculiarities of morphological variability and photosynthetic activity of the dominant epigeic mosses Polytrichastrum formosum, Plagiomnium affine and Atrichum undulatum depending on microclimatic conditions and the degree of anthropogenic changes in forest ecosystems were investigated. The morphological variability of mossy turfs in different ecological conditions of forest ecosystems was established, in particular, the influence of the level of humidity and the intensity of light on the morphometric parameters of mosses was revealed. The shoots and leaves of the studied mosses from the felling area were smaller and the density of turfs was higher compared to other localities. It was determined that a decrease in shoot height, leaf size, increase in leafiness and shoot density contributed to the preservation of water balance within the moss turf and the upper layer of the substrate. The dependence of the photosynthetic intensity of the leaves of dominant mosses on the moisture content of their turf and topsoil in the experimental plots of forest ecosystems was revealed. Changes in the functioning of the pigment system not only determined the photosynthetic activity of mosses in different localities, but also served as markers of their resistance to environmental conditions. The lowest intensity of CO2 assimilation was determined in the gametophyte of mosses in areas with recreational load. Probably, higher light intensity led to a violation of the water and temperature regime of plants, and thus to a decrease in their photosynthetic activity.  
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