Page 32 - Наукові записки Державного природознавчого музею, 2023 Вип. 39
P. 32

30           Новіков А. В., Гуштан Г. Г., Гуштан К. В., Кузярін О. Т. …

                                    Yost  J.,  Sweeney  P.W.,  Gilbert  E.E.,  Nelson  G.,  Guralnick  R.P.,  Gallinat  A.S.,  Ellwood  E.R.,
                                       Rossington N.L., Willis C.G., Willis C.G., Blum S.D., Walls R.L., Haston E.M., Denslow M.,
                                       Denslow M., Zohner C.M., Morris A.B., Stucky B.J., Carter J.R., Baxter D.G., Bolmgren K.,
                                       Denny E.G., Dean E., Pearson K.D., Davis C.C., Mishler B.D., Soltis P.S., Mazer S.J. 2018.
                                       Digitization  protocol  for  scoring  reproductive  phenology  from  herbarium  specimens  of  seed
                                       plants.  Applications  in  Plant  Sciences.  Vol.  6  No.  2.  Article  e1022.  DOI:

                                   1  Державний природознавчий музей НАН України, м. Львів
                                   *  e-mail:
                                   2  Інститут екології Карпат НАН України, м. Львів
                                   3  Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка
                                   4  Дунайсько-Карпатська Програма, Львів

                                   Novikov A.V. , Hushtan H.H. , Hushtan K.V. , Kuzyarin O.T. , Leleka D.Yu. , Nachychko V.O. ,
                                   Prots B.H. , Rizun V.B. , Savytska A.G. , Susulovska S.A. , Susulovsky A.S. 1
                                   Outlining the aims and format of the project «Digitisation of natural history collections
                                   damaged as a result of hostilities and related factors: development of protocols and
                                   implementation  based  on  the  State  Museum  of  Natural  History  of  the  National
                                   Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»
                                      This article presents the format and outlines the goals and objectives of the project: "Digitisation
                                   of natural collections damaged by hostilities and associated factors: development of protocols and
                                   implementation based on the State Museum of Natural History of the National Academy of Sciences of
                                   Ukraine." This project, financed by the National Research Fund of Ukraine as part of the competition
                                   "Science  for  the  Reconstruction  of  Ukraine  in  the  War  and  Post-War  Periods",  involves  the
                                   development of protocols and testing of digitisation technologies for vulnerable natural history museum
                                   collections and will be implemented in 2023-2024. The State Museum of Natural History of the National
                                   Academy of Sciences of Ukraine collections will be used to develop the protocols. Still, in general, the
                                   project has broader tasks. It is primarily aimed at the digitisation and virtual availability of natural
                                   collections that have already been damaged due to hostilities and related factors or may be damaged
                                   or lost shortly. Among the most vulnerable collections are those that require careful observance of the
                                   storage regime and are the first to undergo destruction or can be easily lost due to direct damage (for
                                   example, fire). Among such collections of the State Museum of Natural History of the National Academy
                                   of Sciences of Ukraine, the collections of invertebrate animals and herbarium funds, which were formed
                                   in 1870 and today constitute the object of the national heritage of Ukraine, have been identified. These
                                   collections are unique regarding the representativeness of the western region of Ukraine, although they
                                   are  not  limited  to  it.  If  these  collections  are  lost,  restoring  or  replacing  damaged  samples  with
                                   equivalent ones is impossible. The consequence of the loss or damage of these collections will be the
                                   formation of a significant gap in the documentation of the history of the flora and fauna of the western
                                   region of Ukraine, which will be impossible to fill with existing data or cover with other, including
                                   foreign, collections. That is why, in martial law conditions, it is essential to develop protocols for the
                                   rapid digitisation of the most valuable and most vulnerable samples that have already suffered or may
                                   potentially suffer damage due to hostilities.
                                      Key  words:  russo-Ukrainian  war,  scientific  natural  history  collections,  virtual  collections,
                                   digitisation, digitisation protocols, digital data
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