Page 125 - Наукові записки Державного природознавчого музею, 2023 Вип. 39
P. 125

122                    Гураль-Сверлова Н. В., Гураль Р. І.

                                   Gural-Sverlova N.V., Gural R.I.
                                   New data on the distribution of anthropochorous species of land molluscs in western regions of
                                   Ukraine and possible approaches to their classification
                                      On  the  basis  of  own  data,  materials  transferred  to  the  laboratory  of  malacology  or  the
                                   malacological collection of the State Museum of Natural History of the National Academy of Sciences
                                   of  Ukraine in Lviv, as well as a critical  analysis of  observations in two citizen science databases
                                   (iNaturalist, UkrBIN), new records of some anthropochorous land mollusc species in Western Ukraine,
                                   and in particular, in Lviv and its immediate surroundings, are described. In tabular form, the temporal
                                   and spatial presence in the western part of Ukraine of 23 species that could appear here only due to
                                   anthropochory  is  analyzed.  Maps  of  the  findings  of  Cepaea  nemoralis,  Deroceras  caucasicum,
                                   Oxychilus draparnaudi, and O. translucidus in and near Lviv are given. Known reliable localities of
                                   C. nemoralis in Volyn, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Rivne, Ternopil, and Khmelnytskyi regions are listed.
                                   Similar  information  is  presented  for  the  related  species  Cepaea  hortensis  from  all  administrative
                                   regions of Western Ukraine, except for Lviv region, where this species is widespread in settlements.
                                   According to the time of penetration into Western Ukraine, among the anthropochorous species of land
                                   molluscs, relatively recent invaders prevail, which were first reliably discovered not earlier than in the
                                   1990s. At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, optimal conditions for the introduction and subsequent
                                   acclimatization in urbanized biotopes of  many adventitious species of  land molluscs,  in particular
                                   thermophilic species of Mediterranean or Crimean origin, emerged in Western Ukraine. In addition to
                                   global  warming,  this  was  facilitated  by  the  intensification  of  trade  and  transport  links  with other
                                   regions of Ukraine and other European countries, as well as the activities of garden centres. Besides
                                   the time of entry into the analyzed area, anthropochorous species of land molluscs can be classified
                                   according to the ways of this penetration (from other regions of Ukraine or from other European
                                   countries located to the west of it), the nature of their present distribution in Western Ukraine, as well
                                   as the ability or inability to enter natural biotopes outside settlements.
                                      Key words: anthropochory, introduced species, land molluscs, western regions of Ukraine.
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