Page 19 - Наукові записки Державного природознавчого музею, 2022 Вип. 38
P. 19

18                        Савчак О. Р., Капрусь І. Я.

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                                   1  Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка,
                                   2  Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка,
                                   Державний природознавчий музей НАН України,  Львів

                                   Savchak O.R., Kaprus I.J.
                                   The edificator role of hazel in the formation of the Collembola taxocene of subcontinental oak-
                                   hornbeam forests of the Wigerski National Park (Poland)
                                      A comparative analysis of the  taxonomic and ecological  structure  of collembolan taxocenes in the
                                   subcontinental oak-hornbeam forests of Viger National Park with different projective coverage of hazel was
                                   carried out. It was established that the fauna of the collembola of the studied forests of the Viger National
                                   Park is represented by 51 species of collembola belonging to 31 genera and 11 families. The fewest species
                                   were registered in the areas without hazel, and the most - with its participation. The obtained data indicate
                                   that  the  absence  or  insignificant  presence  of  hazel  leads  to  a  decrease  in  the  species  richness  of  the
                                   Collembola taxocene. On the other hand, the presence of hazel in the experimental plots of the oak-hornbeam
                                   forest allows more species of collembolans to survive both at the level of point and coenotic alpha-diversity.
                                   This may indicate that in the studied forest communities with a significant presence of hazel, the capacity of
                                   the environment for Collembola increases compared to those where hazel is absent or represented by a small
                                   number  of  tree  shrubs.  Folsomia  quadrioculata,  Isotomiella  minor,  Lepidocyrtus  lignorum,  as  well  as
                                   polytopic forest species: Pogonognatellus flavescens and Pseudosinella horaki. Species with the highest
                                   frequency of occurrence both in the soil samples and in all studied areas of the oak-hornbeam forest were
                                   also such eurytopic species as Parisotoma notabilis, Pogonognathellus flavescens, Lepidocyrtus lignorum,
                                   Pseudosinella horaki. Among the polytopic forest collembola, eight species can be classified as saproxylic.
                                   Three of them, i.e. Proisotoma minima, Vertagopus cinereus, Pratanurida boerneri, are saproxylobionts.
                                   Species such as Pseudachorutes parvulus, Neanura muscorum, Neanura minuta, Oligaphorura absoloni and
                                   Entomobrya corticalis are saproxylophiles, i.e. species that prefer dead wood but also live in other forest
                                   microhabitats. Also, 35 species are typical litter or soil inhabitants. Therefore, the research results indicate
                                   the important importance of hazel in the formation of the ecological structure of collembolan taxocenes in
                                   the oak-hornbeam forests of the studied region. However, the detected changes in the investigated taxocenes
                                   are insignificant and mainly concern indicators of cadastral species richness according to P. Whittaker, as
                                   well as the numerical ratio of species.
                                      Key  words:  Collembola,  fauna,  Wigerski  National  Park,  Tilio-Carpinetum  forests,  taxonomic
                                   composition, ecological structure.
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