Page 95 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 37 (Lviv, 2021)
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94                         Химин О.І., Капрусь І. Я.

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                                   ¹ Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка, м. Львів
                                   2  Державний природознавчий музей НАН України, м. Львів

                                   Khymyn O., Kaprus I.
                                   Struktural trasformations of tasocene Collembola under the influence of red oak invasion in the
                                   forest ecosystem of the Yavorivsky NNP
                                      A comparative analysis of the structure of the Collembola taxocene in the root phytocenosis of
                                   hornbeam beech (Carici pilosae-Fagetum) and invasive red oak (Quercus rubra) on the territory of
                                   Yavoriv NNP was carried out. It is established that due to the replacement of the edificator of the stand
                                   in the studied areas there were changes in the taxonomic composition and ecological structure of the
                                   taxonomy of Collembola, which is a sign of degradation of indigenous forest ecosystems under the
                                   influence of phytoinvasions. Analysis of the results of studies of the impact of red oak invasion on the
                                   taxonomy of Collembola beech showed relatively insignificant structural changes in the Collembola
                                   taxonomy,  which  may  be  due  to  similar  edificative  properties  of  both  stands,  resistance  of  soil
                                   environment to changes in terrestrial vegetation and insufficient time to change edaphic conditions.
                                   Changes in the synecological structure of the Collembola taxonomy have been noted, indicating the
                                   relevance  of  the  research  and  the  importance  of  using  these  pedobionts  as  zooindicators  of
                                   phytoinvasions in natural forest ecosystems.
                                      Key  words:  Collembola,  phytoinvasion,  zooindication,  taxocene,  ecological  structure,  Quercus
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