Page 198 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 37 (Lviv, 2021)
P. 198

Іs clytini monophyletic? The evidence from five-gene phylogenetic …   197

               Figure 4. Phylogenetic subtree of Chlorophorini, trib. nov. based on 12S rRNA, 16S
            rRNA, COI, 18S rRNA, 28S rRNA genes sequences phylogeny. The branch support SH-like
            values are shown with the threshold rule SH>0.50.


               The current study has clearly shown that Clytini s.l. is nonmonophyletic, which confirms
            the ideas of previous studies [25, 39]. Grebennikov and al. suggested polyphyly of Clytini
            s.l. due to placement of Obriini Mulsant, 1839 within them on the phylogenetic tree [25].
            However, this model is not confirmed by the current study or the results of Lee & Lee [39].
            I fully agree with the definition of Lee & Lee [39] that Clytini s.l. is paraphyletic when
            Anagliptini included in the analysis. However, my findings show deeper differences between
            clades  than  paraphilia,  indicating  the  polyphyletic  nature  of  Clytini  s.l.  According  this,
            Clytini s.l. constitutes two well-separated clades, which are considered as separate tribes:
            Clytini, trib. sensu nov. and Chlorophorini, trib. nov. The results show that the molecular
            difference  between  Clytini,  trib.  sensu  nov.  and  Chlorophorini,  trib.  nov.  strongly
            corresponds to the morphological differences between them. In particular, Chlorophorini,
            trib. nov. easily distinguished from Clytini, trib. sensu nov. by following features: 1) narrow
            forehead with closely spaced antenna bases; 2) metepimera four times longer than wider. In
            contrast, Clytini, trib. sensu nov. has wide forehead, widely separated antenna and twice as
            long as wider metepimera [7, 17, 58].
               All three tribes Anaglyptini, Clytini, trib. sensu nov. and Chlorophorini, trib. nov. are
            closely related and constitute large monophyletic superclade. I considered it as supertribe
            Chlorophoritae, supertrib. nov. This confirmed an idea of Leconte & Horn [37] who divided
            Clytini on three groups of genera: "Anaglypti" = Anaglyptini, "Cliti" = Clytini, trib. sensu
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