Page 194 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 37 (Lviv, 2021)
P. 194

Іs clytini monophyletic? The evidence from five-gene phylogenetic …   193

               Figure 1. General scheme of overlapping of 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, COI, 18S rRNA,
            28S rRNA  genes  sequences  fragments.  Hylotrupes  bajulus,  Rosalia  coelestis,
            Gibbocerambyx aurovirgatus and Hemadius oenochrous were used as outgroup.


               Phylogenetic analysis resultantly showed that tribe Clytini s.l. is nonmonophyletic. On
            the obtained phylogenetic tree (fig. 1) three distinct clades are clearly allocated. The most
            basal of these is the tribe Anaglyptini. The crown part of the tree consists of two different
            clades, which are traditionally placed within Clytini s.l.
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