Page 202 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 37 (Lviv, 2021)
P. 202

Іs clytini monophyletic? The evidence from five-gene phylogenetic …   201

            Perderomaculatus,  gen.  stat.  nov.  The  third  clade of  Chlorophorus  diadema  is  sister  to
            Demonax transilis. I consider it as the separate genus Sparganophorus gen. nov. The fourth
            clade is the most diverse both in number of species and in morphology. I consider this clade
            in the rank of an independent genus Humeromaculatus, gen. stat. nov. with two subgenera:
            1) Humeromaculatus s.str. and 2) Viridiphorus, subgen. nov. for Chlorophorus herbstii.
               It should be noted that the phylogeny of  Chlorophorus s.l. remains far from its final
            solution.  In  particular,  the  taxonomic  position  of  two  subgenera  Immaculatus  and
            Crassofasciatus proposed by Özdikmen [53] remains completely unknown in the light of the
            molecular phylogenetics. More sequences of species should be included in future studies to
            definitively elucidate the phylogeny of the Chlorophorus s.l.

               Taxonomical summary and new nomenclature acts

               In this section the taxa are presented in phylogenetic order, due to phylogenetic tree
            (fig. 2).

                                Supertribe Chlorophoritae, supetrib. nov.
                  Type genus: Chlorophorus Chevrolat, 1863: 290 [10]
                  Description: Body more or less elongated, narrow, subcylindrical. Clypeus shortened.
            Forehead  shortened,  almost  steep,  often  with  longitudinal  keels  or  grooves.  Antennae
            typically short, reaching the first third of the wings. Pronotum subspherical (transverse or
            oblong). Body covered with hair, typically with a contrasting pattern of hair bands. Legs
            typically  elongated,  often  with  thickened  femora.  Behavior  and  color  of  beetles  usually
            mimic wasps and other Aculeata (Insecta: Hymenoptera).
                  Diagnosis: Pronotum subspherical; body elongated, subcylindrical, with a contrasting
            hair pattern.
                  Definition: Monophyletic clade based on 12S RNA + 16S rRNA + COI + 18S rRNA
            + 28S rRNA genes phylogeny. The least inclusive clade containing Chlorophorus annularis
            (Fabricius, 1787), Clytus arietis (Linnaeus, 1758), Anaglyptus mysticus (Linnaeus, 1758), but
            not including Cerambyx cerdo Linnaeus, 1758, Compsocerus barbicornis Audinet-Serville,
            1834, Callidium violaceum (Linnaeus, 1758).

                              1. Tirbe Anaglyptini Lacordaire, 1868: 404 [34]
            Anaglyptides Lacordaire, 1868: 404 [34]
            Anaglypti LeConte, 1873: 319 [34]
                  Type genus: Anaglyptus Mulsant, 1839: 91 [46]
                  Definition: Monophyletic clade based on 12S RNA + 16S rRNA + COI + 18S rRNA
            +  28S rRNA  genes  phylogeny.  The  least  inclusive  clade containing  Anaglyptus  mysticus
            (Linnaeus, 1758), but not including Clytus arietis (Linnaeus, 1758), Chlorophorus annularis
            (Fabricius, 1787).
                  Subordinated taxa:
                  1. Genus Teratoclytus Zajciw [not Zaitzev], 1937: 213 [75] (type species Teratoclytus
            plavilstshikovi Zajciw [not Zaitzev], 1937: 213 [75])
                  – Teratoclytus plavilstshikovi Zajciw [not Zaitzev], 1937
                  Coments: The genus Teratoclytus and the species Teratoclytus plavilstshikovi were
            described by Dmytro Zajciw [75], a Ukrainian (and later Brazilian) entomologist who was
            associate  professor  at  Kharkiv  University.  However,  the  description  is  attributed  to  the
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