Page 196 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 37 (Lviv, 2021)
P. 196

Іs clytini monophyletic? The evidence from five-gene phylogenetic …   195

               The  first  clade  includes  the  largest  genera  Neoclytus  Thomson,  1860,  Clytus  and
            Xylotrechus, as well as their allies (e.g., Brachyclytus Kraatz, 1879, Cyrtoclytus Ganglbauer,
            1881, Cotyclytus Martins & Galileo, 2011). The second clade unites such large genera as
            Chlorophorus,  Demonax,  Rhaphuma,  Plagionotus,  Megacyllene  Casey,  1912  and  their
            relatives  (Epiclytus  Gressitt,  1935,  Placosternus  Hopping,  1937,  Sarosesthes  Thomson,
            1864, Clytocera Gahan, 1906, Rhabdoclytus Ganglbauer, 1889). Each of these clades has
            very high statistical support of the aLRT test. For the first clade SH=98, and for the second
            SH=99. This gives the reason to consider each of these clades as separate tribes: Clytini, trib.
            sensu nov. and Chlorophorini, trib. nov. Both tribes are related to Anaglyptini, forming a
            monophyletic  superclade,  which  I  consider  in  the  rank  of  supertribe  Chlorophoritae,
            supertrib. nov.

               Figure 3. Phylogenetic subtree of Clytini, trib. sensu nov. based on 12S rRNA, 16S
            rRNA, COI, 18S rRNA, 28S rRNA genes sequences phylogeny. The branch support SH-like
            values are shown with the threshold rule SH>0.50.
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