Page 203 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 37 (Lviv, 2021)
P. 203

202                            Zamoroka A. M.

                                   Russian entomologist Philip Adamovich Zaitsev, due to the political motives of the Soviet
                                   totalitarian regime. Dmytro Zajciw managed to escape to Brazil from the mass repressions
                                   and executions of Ukrainian scientists on ethnic grounds that took place in the USSR. Until
                                   1991  (the  year  of  collapse  of  the  USSR),  his  works  were  banned  from  distribution  and
                                   confiscated from libraries by the Soviet totalitarian regime. Today, a copy of Dmitro Zajciw's
                                   original article on Teratoclytus is kept at the I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NASU
                                   in Kyiv, Ukraine. Unfortunately, the original article, in addition to being written in Ukrainian,
                                   is physically inaccessible to experts in Cerambycidae outside of Ukraine. Therefore, there is
                                   still false information in the scientific literature about the authorship of the first description
                                   of Teratoclytus. I hope that with this work I will correct the unjust oblivion to which a famous
                                   entomologist was subjected during the Soviet occupation.
                                         2. Genus Anaglyptus Mulsant, 1839: 91 [46] (type species Leptura mystica Linnaeus,
                                   1758: 398 [40])
                                         – Anaglyptus niponensis Bates, 1884
                                         – Anaglyptus mysticus (Linnaeus, 1758)
                                         – Anaglyptus gibbosus (Fabricius, 1787)
                                         – Anaglyptus matsushitai Hayashi, 1955
                                         3. Genus Paraclytus Bates, 1884: 234 [4] (type species Paraclytus excultus Bates,
                                   1884: 234 [4])
                                         – Paraclytus excultus Bates, 1884

                                                 2. Tribe Clytini Mulsant, 1839: 27 [46], trib. sensu nov.
                                   Clytitae J. Thomson, 1860: 214 [67]
                                   Clytides C. Thomson, 1866: 34 [66]
                                   Clytinae Pascoe, 1869: 597 [56]
                                   Plagithmysides Sharp, 1896: 238 [64]
                                   Clytina Reitter, 1912: 46 [60]
                                         Type genus: Clytus Laicharting, 1784: 88 [35]
                                         Description: body elongated, subcylindrical. Head short, typically with longitudinal
                                   carinae or sulcus on the forehead. Forehead wide. Antennae short, widely spaced on the
                                   forehead,  reaching  the  first  third  of  the  wings.  Pronotum  subspherical,  oblong.  Elytra
                                   elongated,  apically  truncated,  with  a  hair  pattern  of  spots  and  transverse  stripes.  Legs
                                   elongated.  Femora  gradually thickened  posteriorly.  Metepimera  twice  longer  than  wider,
                                   extend over hind angles of the 1st ventrite.
                                         Diagnosis:  Forehead  wide;  antennae  widely  spaced  on  the  forehead;  metepimera
                                   twice longer than wider.
                                         Definition: Monophyletic clade based on 12S RNA + 16S rRNA + COI + 18S rRNA
                                   +2 8S rRNA genes phylogeny. The least inclusive clade containing Clytus arietis (Linnaeus,
                                   1758), but not including Anaglyptus mysticus (Linnaeus, 1758), and Chlorophorus annularis
                                   (Fabricius, 1787).
                                         Subordinated taxa:

                                                        2.1. Subtribe Neoclytina, subtrib. nov.
                                         Type genus: Neoclytus Thomson, 1860: 67 [67]
                                         Description:  Body  elongated,  subcylindrical,  with  a  hair  pattern  of  spots  and
                                   transverse stripes. Head short, with a wide longitudinal sulcus on the forehead. Antennae
                                   short, gradually thickened posteriorly. Pronotum subspherical, oblong, enlarged, with short
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