Page 197 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 37 (Lviv, 2021)
P. 197

196                            Zamoroka A. M.

                                      Clytini, trib. sensu nov.
                                      The clade consists of two subclades: 1) Neoclytus + Cotyclytus; 2) Brachyclytus, Clytus
                                   + Cyrtoclytus + Clytobius and Xylotrechus. Both subclades are well separated from each
                                   other with a high level of branches support (SH=1.00 and SH=0.89 respectively), which
                                   means that they should be considered as separate subtribes: Neoclytina, subtrib. nov. and
                                   Clytina, subtrib. nov. Genus Neoclytus Thomson, 1860 is polyphyletic. At least Neoclytus
                                   mucronatus (Fabricius, 1775) belongs to a separate genus and distantly related to Cotyclytus
                                   curvatus  (Germar,  1821).  Clytus  also  is  polyphyletic.  Clytus  ruricola  (Olivier,  1795)  is
                                   related to Cyrtoclytus Ganglbauer, 1881. Clytobius davidis (Fairmaire, 1878) represents the
                                   separate clade related to Clytus. Xylotrechus is totally polyphyletic and represented by at least
                                   three distinct clades: 1) Xylotrechus chinensis Chevrolat, 1852 + Xylotrechus villioni Villard,
                                   1892;  2)  Xylotrechus  grayii  (White,  1855);  3)  Xylotrechus  s.str.  All  of  them  should  be
                                   considered as independent genera. Although, it is likely that  Xylotrechus s.str. (the third
                                   clade) also, nonmonophyletic. In this paper, I accepted statement that Xylotrechus s.str. is
                                   monophyletic in general.

                                      Chlorophorini, trib. nov.
                                      The clade consists of four subclades: 1) Epiclytus yokoyamai (Kano, 1933); 2) Rhaphuma
                                   elongata Gressitt, 1940; 3) (Plagionotus + Echinocerus) + (Megacyllene + Placosternus); 4)
                                   Chlorophorus,  Demonax,  Clytoleptus,  Sarosesthes,  Rhaphuma,  Clytocera,  Rhabdoclytus.
                                   First two subclades are basal and independent of the others. The last two subclades represent
                                   crown species rich part of phylogenetic tree. Both clades well separated with strong branches
                                   support (SH=0.99 and SH=0.82 respectively) and have crucial morphological differences. I
                                   propose  recognize  them  as  subtribes:  Plagionotina,  subtrib.  nov.  and  Chlorophorina,
                                   subtrib. nov. Echinocerus is a separate genus independent of Plagionotus s.str. The genus
                                   Placosternus, syn. nov. is part of the genus Megacyllene. Genus Chlorophorus is completely
                                   polyphyletic and clearly divided on three distinct unrelated lineages: 1) Chlorophorus s.str.
                                   (Chlorophorus  annulatus  (Hope,  1831),  Chlorophorus  varius  (O.F.  Müller,  1766),
                                   Chlorophorus  signaticollis  (Laporte  de  Castelnau  &  Gory,  1841),  Chlorophorus
                                   anticemaculatus  Schwarzer,  1925);  2)  Chlorophorus  sartor  (O.F.  Müller,  1766);  3)
                                   Chlorophorus diadema Motschulsky, 1853; 4) the rest 9 studied species of Chlorophorus.
                                   Chlorophorus sartor is an ally of Rhaphuma gracilipes (Faldermann, 1835), nested within
                                   the same clade with Demonax (Demonax substitutus Gressitt, 1951 + Demonax bidenticornis
                                   Hayashi, 1974) and Rhabdoclytus acutivittis (Kraatz, 1879). Chlorophorus diadema belongs
                                   to  the  clade  with  Demonax  transilis,  Clytoleptus  albofasciatus  (Laporte  &  Gory,  1835),
                                   Sarosesthes  fulminans  (Fabricius,  1775)  and  Rhaphuma  xenisca  (Bates,  1884).  Genus
                                   Rhaphuma is completely polyphyletic.
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