Page 189 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 37 (Lviv, 2021)
P. 189

188                             Khymyn M.V.

                                   different years, there were different predominant directions of their migrations: SW (2012,
                                   2014, 2015 and 2017) or S (2013 and 2016).
                                      Migratory birds used the accompanying and side winds to they migrant directions of
                                   varying strength often and headwinds sometimes, but less power.


                                      According to the results of 6-years research, the peculiarities of visible autumn migrations
                                   of the Common Crane have been clarified generally. Almost all birds migrated in flocks.
                                   Several lone birds were observed also, apparently lagging behind their flocks. There are from
                                   2 to 222 individuals in one flock, on average  – 39,0±5,12 individuals. The main passage
                                   lasted from the 3  decade of September to the middle of the 2  Decade of October. The
                                   majority of them flew in the 5 last hours of observations (77,9% of all counted birds during
                                   6 years). Most birds of this species were observed on passage at altitudes above 250 m, less
                                   – between 100 and 250 m and a small number – below 100 m (mostly birds there stopped for
                                   the night and rest). Predominantly directions of their migration were SW and some less S.
                                      The results of our research are the basis for the further study of this species, planning and
                                   implementation of conservation measures for birds in the National Park «Prypiat-Stokhid»,
                                   for  two  Wetlands  of  International  Importance,  one  Transboundary  Wetlands  and  two
                                   Important Bird Areas in Ukraine. The obtained data are also a supplement to the state of study
                                   of this species in Ukraine and the Baltic-Hungarian route.

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