Page 187 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 37 (Lviv, 2021)
P. 187

186                             Khymyn M.V.

                                      As can be seen from table 3, the migration dates of these birds have a slightly wider date
                                   range than the dates shown in figure 1. Because table 3 shows the dates of day and night
                                   registrations of birds throughout the National Park, and figure 1 – only the dates of visual
                                   registrations at one observation point.
                                      The  time  of  autumn  passage  of  the  Common  Crane  in  the  National  Park  is  slightly
                                   different and has a narrower date range than in the Volyn region (average date of beginning
                                   migration – 25 September, lim: 25.VIII-31.X, n=79, and ending – 13 October, lim: 15.IX-
                                   18.XI,  n=54)  and  other  adjacent  regions  of  Ukraine  [1]  and  strongly  different  (earlier
                                   passage)  than  in  the  Central  and  South of  Europe,  as  in Hungary  [21]  and  Italy  [17] in
                                      Dynamics of passage during light part of a day is one of the most important characteristics
                                   of bird migration (table 4).
                                                                                                       Table 4

                                          Dynamics on passage of the Common Crane during light part of a day
                                                               in autumn 2012-2017

                                      Total        Hour                        Year
                                      number             2012    2013   2014   2015   2016   2017    Total
                                      of birds (%)   1     1,4     -      -      -      -     3,1     1,1
                                      that   flew   2       -    42,1     -      -      -     0,2     5,2
                                      during        3       -      -     2,5     -     0,4     -      0,4
                                      one           4      1,4     -      -      -     0,5     -      0,2
                                      observatіon   5      6,7    8,5     -     4,0    7,9    10,9    6,7
                                      hour          6      7,0     -    12,2    3,6    7,9    2,9     4,9
                                      (morning      7       -     8,5    7,4     -      -     11,1    5,6
                                      and day –     8       -    16.0     -      -     0,5     -      2,0
                                      № 1-11,       9       -     7,3     -      -     22,9    -     12,6
                                      evening –     10    49,1    7,9   41,2    42,6    -      -     12,1
                                      № 2-1)
                                                    11      -      -    23,3     -     7,9     -      4,1
                                                    2     12,3     -     7,9     -     52,0   22,5   13,8
                                                    1     22,1    9,7    5,5    49,8    -     49,3   31,3

                                      The Common Crane is a diurnal and partly nocturnal migrant. The majority of them flew
                                   in the 5 last hours of observations (77,9% of all counted birds during 6 years) and the peak
                                   of its passage occurred in two evening hours mainly (see table 4). In addition, some birds
                                   continued to migrate in the evening and at night, they were were not visible, but their voices
                                   were heard. Therefore, the number of migratory cranes was greater then we counted during
                                   the light part of day.
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