Page 188 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 37 (Lviv, 2021)
P. 188

Сharacteristics of visible autumn migrations of the common crane …   187

               Bird flight altitude is one of the important characteristics of bird migration also (table 5).
                                                                                Table 5

                  Altitude distribution of migratory Common Crane in autumn 2012-2017

                                        Висота польоту (%) / Flight height (%)
                              1-25 m     26-50 m    51-100 m   101-250 m    >250 m
                   2012          -          -           -         55,8       44,2
                   2013          -          -          6,6        76,7       16,7
                   2014          -         2,2          -         25,3       72,5
                   2015          -          -           -         16,3       83,7
                   2016          -         0,4         0,4        90,8       8,4
                   2017          -          -          4,8        19,3       75,9
                   Total         -         0,4         2,3        36,1       61,2

               As can be seen from table 5, almost all Common Cranes flew at altitudes above than 100
            m (93,4-100% of all counted birds in different years, on average – 97,3%), and prevalent
            majority – above than 250 m (on average 61,2%). Migratory birds were flying at higher
            altitudes when accompanying wind and crosswinds to their directions prevailed and there
            were no precipitations and strong winds.
               Bird flight directions are one of the important characteristics of bird migration also (table
                                                                                Table 6

                         Generalized data on the directions of the Common Crane
                                      flight in autumn 2012-2017

                   Year                         Main directions (%)
                                  W            SW              S            SE
                   2012          29,1          54,4          14,0           2,5
                   2013          8,5           37,9          53,6            -
                   2014          6,9           71,0          22,1            -
                   2015           -            50,2          49,8            -
                   2016          8,4           29,9          61,7            -
                   2017          14,6          43,6          41,2           0,6
                  Total          10,4          48,5          40,7           0,4

               As can be seen from table 6, almost all birds migrated between the south-western and
            south directions (89,2%). On average, about half of all counted birds passed to the SW and
            slightly  less  to  the  south.  In  other  directions,  these  birds  migrated  in  small  numbers.  In
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