Page 186 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 37 (Lviv, 2021)
P. 186

Сharacteristics of visible autumn migrations of the common crane …   185

               Visible migrations of waterfowl were analyzed according to observation hours during the
            light part of a day, altitude and flight directions. Without knowledge of these peculiarities, it
            is  not  possible  to  plan  and  implement  measures  the  management  for  the  protection  of
            migratory birds. Dynamics of the number of the Common Crane counted for the autumn
            passage in 2012-2017 is shown on figure 1.
               The autumn migration of this species was observed from the middle of the 1  decade of
            September to the end of the 2  decade of October, and the main passage lasted from the 3
            decade of September to the middle of the 2  decade of October (Fig. 1).
               The main influence on the intensity of autumn migration birds had air temperature and
            precipitation, less – power and direction of the wind. In particular, the increase in the number
            of migratory these birds coincided with a sharp drop in the air temperature below +5ºC mainly
            (2012,  2013,  2014  and  2016).  Migrating  Common  Cranes  used  crosswinds  mainly  (in
            relations to their passage directions), less frequently headwinds and accompanying winds.
            Passage of this birds not observed during strong winds (more then 7-8 m/sec) and heavy
               Generalized dates of autumn migration of the Common Crane throughout the National
            Park for 2009-2020 are given in table 3.
                                                                                Table 3

                Dates of the crane’s autumn passage through the National Park in 2009-2020

                       Year                        Date of autumn passage
                                             beginning                Ending
                       2009                      -                     26.X
                       2010                    08.IX                   24.X
                       2011                    10.IX                   15.X
                       2012                    04.IX                   19.X
                       2013                    12.IX                   17.X
                       2014                    12.IX                   18.X
                       2015                    10.IX                   08.X
                       2016                    07.IX                   13.X
                       2017                    11.IX                   16.X
                       2018                      -                     09.X
                       2019                      -                     07.X
                       2020                      -                     16.X
                      Average                  09.IX                   16.X
                       Limit                 04-12.IX                07-26.X
                         n                      8                       12
   181   182   183   184   185   186   187   188   189   190   191