Page 183 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 37 (Lviv, 2021)
P. 183

182                             Khymyn M.V.

                                                              Materials and methods

                                      Our research were conducted on the territory of NNP «Prypiat-Stokhid» at left (northern)
                                   bank of the Prypiat River near Svalovychi village in Kamin-Kashyrsk district of Volyn region
                                   of Ukraine (N 51°52' E 25°39') during the part of September until the beginning of the end
                                   of 2nd decade of October 2012-2017. The number of observation days varied in different
                                   years:  4-12.ІХ,  22.ІХ-20.2012,  09.ІХ-10.Х.2013,  22.ІХ-19.Х.2014,  21.ІХ-20.Х.2015,
                                   19.ІХ-19.Х.2016, 18.ІХ-17.Х.2017 (1980 hours).
                                      Visible autumn migrations were studied according to conventional method [3, 4] with
                                   some of our changes and additions [7-11]. Migratory birds were observed visually, starting
                                   in the morning half an hour before sunrise and ending in the evening half hour after sunset
                                   (all hours of the light part of a day, without interruption). The width of the accounting corridor
                                   for these birds was 1500 m (750 m to the left and right of the observatіon poіnt). The light
                                   part of a day was divided into hour of observations (morning and day observation hours – №
                                   1-11 and evening observation hours – № 2 і № 1), taking into the daily changes of sunrise
                                   and  sunset  (observation  time  decreased  daily  by  1,5-2  min).  All  observation hours  were
                                   complete (a full hour), except last before evening hour (№ 11 – on beginning observations in
                                   the September and № 10 – on ending observations in the October) which was incomplete
                                   (less or more than 1 hour). Flight altitude was determined visually, and flight directions – by
                                   8 rhumbs, taking into account the experience of other researchers [4]. All data on the number
                                   of account birds of each species, altitude and direction on their flight during the observation
                                   hour  were recorded  in  a  notebook.  Species  were  determined  visually  and  by  voice.  The
                                   binoculars  were  used  during  observations  of  migratory  birds.  The  photographing  was
                                   sometimes  used  to  count  the  number  of  birds  in  large  flocks.  In  addition,  the  time  of
                                   precipitation and wind directions were registered in observation hours. The weather data from
                                   the Liubeshiv meteorological station was used and analyzed [7-11].
                                      Statistics were processed in Microsoft Office Excel 2003.

                                                              Results and discussions

                                      There were 2737 individuals of the Common Crane counted during the study of visible
                                   autumn migration birds in 2012-2017 near the Svalovychi village (table 1).
                                      There were different numbers of migratory birds in different years (the most was counted
                                   in 2017 and the least in 2016). Almost all birds flew in flocks. Several single birds were
                                   observed also, apparently lagging behind their flocks (see table 1). For the analysis of autumn
                                   migrations of waterfowl, the total of birds counted for 2012-2017 was used.
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