Page 181 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 37 (Lviv, 2021)
P. 181

180                  Гураль-Сверлова Н. В., Лижечка О. Ф.

                                    12. Richards, P.M., Liu, M.M., Lowe, N., Davey, J.W., Blaxter, M.L., Davison, A. RAD-Seq derived
                                       markers flank the shell colour and banding loci of the Cepaea nemoralis supergene // Molecular
                                       Ecology. – 2013. – Vol. 22. – P. 3077-3089.
                                    13. Schilder F. A., Schilder M. Die Bänderschnecken. Eine Studie zur Evolution der Tiere. Schluß:
                                       Die Bänderschnecken Europas. Jena: G.Fischer Verlag, 1957. – 93-206 S.
                                    14. Sverlova  N.  Zur  Auswertung  der  Diversität  und  Struktur  des  Polymorphismus  bei  den
                                       Bänderschnecken Cepaea hortensis (Müller 1774) und C.nemoralis (Linné 1758) am Beispiel
                                       isolierter Populationen // Mitt. Mus. Nat.kd. Berl., Zool. Reihe. – 2004. – B. 80, H. 2. – S. 159-
                                    15. UkrBIN:  Ukrainian  Biodiversity  Information  Network  [public  project  &  web  application].
                                       Режим доступу: (Дата звернення: 2.03.2021).

                                   1  Державний природознавчий музей НАН України, м. Львів
                                   2  Тернопільська обл., м. Чортків

                                   Gural-Sverlova N.V. , Lyzhechka O.F.
                                   First record of the grove snail Cepaea nemoralis (Gastropoda, Helicidae) in Ternopil region
                                   and specificity of the phenotypic composition of the found colony
                                      The first finding of Cepaea nemoralis, an introduced species of land molluscs with polymorphic
                                   shell colouration, in the Ternopil region of Ukraine is described. Juveniles of this species were observed
                                   in Chortkiv already in 2017, but only in 2020 their exact species affiliation was identified, the presence
                                   of  an  established  colony  was  confirmed  and  the  peculiarities  of  its  phenotypic  composition  were
                                   analyzed. The obtained data were compared with other colonies of the grove snail, which were found
                                   in Western Ukraine (Lviv and its environs, Bohorodchany in Ivano-Frankivsk region) in 2019-2020
                                   and described in previous publications. Most of the conchological material collected in Chortkiv is
                                   deposited  in the  malacological  collection of  the State Museum  of  Natural  History  of  the  National
                                   Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Lviv. In the Chortkiv colony of C. nemoralis, a hereditary trait was
                                   found, which occurs sporadically in the natural range of the grove snail, but has not yet been registered
                                   in Ukraine. This feature is manifested in the uneven pigmentation of dark spiral bands on the shell, the
                                   alternation  of  lighter  and  darker  fragments  on  them,  which  can  create  the  impression  of  spotted,
                                   interrupted bands. In the analyzed sample, such bands had 25.6% of banded shells, and they occurred
                                   twice as often in yellow (41.2%) than in pink (18.5%) shells. This agrees well with the known data on
                                   the linked inheritance of this trait and the ground colour of the shell. However, the shells with fused
                                   bands, regardless of their ground colour, almost always had normally pigmented bands, dark along
                                   their entire length. In some individuals with unevenly pigmented bands, the splitting of the fourth or
                                   fifth band into 2-3 narrow longitudinal bands was also observed. Another feature of the Chortkiv colony
                                   of C. nemoralis compared to other known Western Ukrainian colonies of this species is the very low
                                   frequencies of all lighter variants of the shell colouration (yellow and pink unbanded or with one central
                                   band) and a very high proportion of phenotypes with 3 lower bands (49.6%). The ratio of the main
                                   variants of the shell colouration of C. nemoralis in Chortkiv, which is not typical for Western Ukraine,
                                   makes the found colony a valuable object for studying potential adaptive changes in its phenotypic
                                   composition in the future.
                                      Key words: land molluscs, Cepaea, anthropochory, polymorphism, Western Ukraine.
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