Page 131 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 37 (Lviv, 2021)
P. 131
130 Орлов О. Л., Рагуліна М. Є., Леневич О. І.
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34. Studlar S.M. Trampling effects on Bryophytes: Trail surveys and experiments // The Bryologist.
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1 Державний природознавчий музей НАН України, м. Львів
2 Національний природний парк "Сколівські Бескиди", Львівська обл., м. Сколе
Оrlov О., Ragulina М., Lenevych O.
Influence estimation of recreation pressure on the forest trail "Buchyna"
NNP "Skolivski Beskydy"
Complex studies of the impact of recreational pressure on the forest trail "Buchina" of NNP "Skolivski
Beskydy" were carried out. It was found that the air microclimatic parameters across the all transects
were shown to fluctuate. The air temperature was stable, as well as the humidity changed very slightly.
The wind force gradually decreased from the middle of the forest trail to the margins. The difference in
the illumination of the soil surface on the trail and adjacent areas is the most noticeable. The impact of
recreational activities on the microclimatic parameters of soils is more significant than this in the air. The
temperature and humidity of the soil was decreased and the density of the structure was increased towards
the center of the trail. Changes in water-physical parameters of soils let us identify the initial stages of
digression in the studied recreational-pressed forest ecosystems. Brioindication studies have shown that
the forest area on both sides of the route, which does not experience recreational pressure, is characterized
by extremely weak development of moss cover. It was represented by 5 species of mosses such as Atrichum
undulatum, Polytrichum formosum, Plagiomnium undulatum, Eurhynchium angustirete and E. striatum.
Those species were represented by toll turf, dendroides and rough carpet growth forms. Species diversity
at the trail edges were doubled. There were founded 10 spesies of bryobionta: A. undulatum, P. formosum,
Plagiomnium cuspidatum, P. ellipticum, P. undulatum, E. angustirete, Pseudoscleropodium purum,
Thuidium delicatulum, T. tamariscinum, Calliergonella cuspidatа, were represented by toll turf,
dendroides, rough mats and weft growth forms. In the zone of intensive trampling on the forest trail, the
moss cover was completely absent. Bryophytes, which were recorded in trail margins, marked the initial
stages of recreational digression (I-II) and were belonging to the group of sensitive forest species. The
strongest pressure was recorded on the central part of the forest trail. However, the density of the soil
structure, even in this area, didn't overtop the indicator rate for the category of "very loose soils". Our
study suggests that the organization of recreational activities for the planning of permanent tourist routes
(so-called "ecological trails'') in the areas of spruce-beech forests haven't cause extremely pressure on
the park ecosystems (equally for soil and vegetation cover) in NNP "Skolivski Beskydy". As a preventive
measure, we recommend regulating the number of visitors to reduce the mechanical trampling on the
forest trails and the arrangement of different fences, decks, etc.
Key words: recreation pressure, forest ecosystems, microclimate, soils, bryophytes, bryoindication,
Skolivski Beskydy.