Page 85 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 36 (Lviv, 2020)
P. 85

80                         Гураль-Сверлова Н. В.

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                                       Journal of Conchology. – 2012. – Vol. 41, No. 1. – P. 91-109.
                                    30. Balashov I., Yarotskaya M., Filatova J., Starichenko I., Kovalov V. Terrestrial molluscs of the
                                       Tsyr-Pripyat area in Volyn (Northern Ukraine): the first findings of the threatened snail Vertigo
                                       moulinsiana in mainland Ukraine // Vestnik zoologii. – 2017. – Vol. 51, No. 3. – P. 251-258.
                                    31. Kerney  M.   P.,  Cameron  R.   A.   D.,  Jungbluth  J.   H.  Die  Landschnecken  Nord-  und
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                                   Державний природознавчий музей НАН України, Львів

                                   Gural-Sverlova N. V.
                                   Spatial differentiation of land mollusc fauna in plain territories of Ukraine
                                      The taxonomic and ecological composition of the autochthonous land mollusc fauna in different
                                   parts of the plain Ukraine was analyzed on the basis of the personal data, collection materials of the
                                   State Museum of Natural History of the NAS of Ukraine in Lviv as well as numerous literature sources.
                                   Excluding representatives of the genus Helicopsis, the taxonomy and species composition of which in
                                   the territory of Ukraine still require clarification, and the steppe part of the Crimean peninsula, in four
                                   landscape zones of Ukraine, currently, a total of 109 species of land molluscs, which are autochthonous
                                   for at least part of the analyzed territory, are registered. The maximum species diversity (103 species
                                   and 2 representatives of the genus Helicopsis) is recorded in the zone of deciduous forests, followed by
                                   the right-bank part of the forest-steppe zone. The smallest number of the autochthonous species of land
                                   molluscs was noted for the right-bank part of the steppe zone.
                                      Within the Ukrainian Polesie and the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine, the taxonomic diversity of land
                                   molluscs decreases from west to east. The number of the registered autochthonous species decreases,
                                   respectively, by 1.5 and 1.7 times, and the generic diversity by 1.3 and 1.5 times. In the steppe zone,
                                   the main centre of the species diversity is the Donetsk Upland, located in the east of the country. In
                                   taxonomic and ecological composition, land mollusc complexes of the right-bank part of the forest-
                                   steppe zone are closer to the zone of deciduous forests, in its left-bank part – to the left-bank steppe. In
                                   general, the spatial differentiation of land mollusc fauna in the plain territories of Ukraine is more
                                   strongly  associated  not  with  the  boundaries  of  landscaped  zones,  but  with  the  location  of  these
                                   territories with respect to the Dnieper bed and with some uplands, where the species diversity of land
                                   molluscs of the zone of deciduous forests and forest-steppe zone (Podolian Upland) and the steppe zone
                                   (Donetsk Upland) is concentrated.
                                      Key words: land molluscs, chorology, Ukraine.
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