Page 73 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 36 (Lviv, 2020)
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68              Леневич О. І., Марискевич О. Г., Шпаківська І. М.

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                                       збереження біотичної різноманітності, 2010. – Т. 1(8), № 1. – С. 307-322.
                                    34. Bayfield N. G. Some effects of walking and skiing on vegetation at Cairngorm. In: Duffey E.,
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                                       Blackwell, Oxford, UK, 1971. – Р. 469-485.
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                                    36. Hill R., Pickering C. M. Differences in resistance of three subtropical vegetation types to experimental
                                       trampling // Journal of Environmental Management, 2009. – Vol. 90. – P. 1305-1312.
                                    37. Prędki R. Ocena zniszczeń środowiska przyrodniczego Bieszczadzkiego Parku Narodowego w
                                       obrębie  pieszych  szlaków  turystycznych  w  latach  1995-1999  –  porównanie  wynikow
                                       monitoringu // Roczniki Bieszczadzkie, 1999. – 8. – S. 343-352.
                                    38.  Prędki R. Przemiany właściwości powietrzno-wodnych gleb w obrębie pieszych szlaków turystycznych
                                       Bieszczadskiego Parku Narodowego // Roczniki Bieszczadzkie, 2000. – 9. – S. 225-236.

                                   1  НПП «Сколівські Бескиди», Львівська обл., м. Сколе
                                   2  Інститут екології Карпат НАН України, м. Львів
                                   e-mail: ,

                                   Lenevych O. I., Maryskevych O. G., Shpakivska I. M.
                                   Estimation the impact of the linear form of recreation on the properties of brown forest soils
                                   (for example NPP «Skolivski Beskydy», Ukrainian Carpathians)
                                      The article analyses the impact of recreational loading on brown forest soils by physical, water-
                                   physical, agrochemical and biotic properties. It was found that the density of soil structure on the trails
                                   increased by 1.1-1.9 times and field soil moisture decreases by 1.8-1.9 times. In the initial stages of
                                   recreational degression, the humus content is recorded slightly higher compared to the control area,
                                   while on trails with a higher recreational load, on the contrary, decreases by more than 50%. Indicators
                                   of  biotic activity  is  catalase activity  of  soil  and biomass  of  soil biota.  Depending on  the  stage of
                                   recreational  regression,  the  indicators  of  biotic  activity  decreased  by  25-60%  compared  with  the
                                   control. As the criteria for estimating the impact of recreation activities on the soil: the width of the
                                   trail, the parallels trails, the density of the soil structure and the forest litter. Аccording to the results
                                   of field and laboratory studies:  trail «Starovikovi lisy» are included in the I category and the trail
                                   «Dolynoyu richky Kamyanka» to the IV category, route «Skole-Parashka» – ІІІ category.
                                      Keywords:  recreation  influence,  soil  density,  soil  biotic  activity,  tourist  route,  NPP  «Skolivski
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