Page 32 - Наукові записки ДПМ. Т 35/2019
P. 32

Cryptophagidae (Coleoptera) in the collections of Ukraine: Species …   31

               An additional criterium may be the number or part of specimens, the age of which is more
            than 100 years (older than 18-19 centuries), and the presence of old personal collections,
            because they play an important role in the evaluation of time changes in the fauna of the
               The following collections are the principal ones under these parameters (tab. 3):
               •  by  the  number  of  specimens  –  a  collection  of  the  Museum  of  Natural  History  of
                 V. Karazin Kharkiv National University (341 specimens), a collection of the Zoological
                 Museum  of  T.  Shevchenko  Kyiv  National  University  (304  specimens)  and  the
                 collection of V. Lazorko in the funds of the Institute of Zoology of the NAS of Ukraine
                 (263 specimens);
               • by number of species – collection of the Zoological Museum of T. Shevchenko Kyiv
                 National University (85 species) and the State Museum of Natural History of the NAS
                 of Ukraine (71 species);
               • according to the uniqueness of collections, a collection of the Zoological Museum of T.
                 Shevchenko Kyiv National University holds the leading position: there are 12 species
                 known only from this collection, the 2nd and 3rd collections are: the collection of V.
                 Lazorko from the funds of the Institute of I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of the
                 NAS of Ukraine (10 species) and the collection of the Museum of Natural History of
                 V. Karazin Kharkiv National University (6 species).

                                                                                 Table 3
                         Indices of uniqueness of museum collections of Cryptophagids
                                                       Zoological collections
                                        NMNH    SMNH     SIZK    KOC   MNKU    ZMKU
             Species from the Carpathians   0      15     17      57       7     23
             All of the species            50      71     48      57      21     85
             Number of genera               9      12      6      13      11     12
             Number of samples            214     224    263    1657     341     304
             Number of unique species       3      2      10       7       6     12

               Carpathian gatherings in collections
               The richest for the number of species from the Carpathians – is the author's collection
            (57 species), the second one is the collection of ZMKU (23 species), the third most significant
            is the collection of V. Lazorko in IZAN (48 species in general and 17 carpathian species).
               We have the following distribution of most common species collected in the Carpathians:
               •  presented  simultaneously  in  four  collections  –  three  species  (Atomaria  fuscata,
                 A. apicalis, Cryptophagus scanicus);
               • presented simultaneously in three collections – six species (Antherophagus pallens, Atomaria
                 linearis, A. nigrirostris, A. umbrina, A. analis, Cryptophagus acutangulus, C. dentatus);
               • presented simultaneously in two collections – 21 species, 10 of which are presented in five
                 collections  of  six  (including  the  author's  collection)  (Atomaria  silaceus,  A.  fimetarius,
                 A.  atra,  Cryptophagus  distinguendus,  C.  laticollis,  Paramecosoma  melanocephalum,
                 Pteryngium crenatum, Spavius glaber, Telmatophilus caricis, T. typhae).
               In total, of the 122 species of Cryptophagidae recorded in the investigated collections
            (along with the author's collection), 78 species (64%) occur in the Carpathian region, while
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