Page 30 - Наукові записки ДПМ. Т 35/2019
P. 30

Cryptophagidae (Coleoptera) in the collections of Ukraine: Species …   29

                                                     Zoological collections    Sum
                                               NMNH   SMNH   SIZK   KOC   MNKU   ZMKU   S all   S carp

             C. scutellatus Newman, 1834      8    4     40   (67)   –   6   125   67
             C. setulosus Sturm, 1845         6    1     1    –    –    1 (2)   11   2
             C. simplex Miller, 1858          –    1*    –    –    –    1*    2    –
             C. straussi Gangalbauer, 1897    –    –     –    –    –     1    1    –
             C. subdepressus Gyllenhal, 1827   –   1     –   (25)   –    1    27   25
             C. subfumatus Kraatz, 1856       –    (1)   8   (32)   –    7    48   33
             C. uncinatus Stephens, 1830      –    –     –   (17)   –    5    22   17
             Curelius dilutus Reitter, 1883   –    –     –    –    –    1*    1*   –
             C. exiguus (Erichson, 1846)      9    1     –    (9)   6    1    26   9
             Ephistemus globulus (Paykull, 1798)   16   7 (2)   –   –   91   1 (3)   120   5
             Henoticus serratus (Gyllenhal, 1808)   4   1   –   (13)   6   1   25   13
             Hypocoprus latridioides (Motschulsky, 1839)   –   –   –   –   5   –   5   –
             Micrambe abietis (Paykull, 1798)   1   1    5    (7)   –    4    18   7
             M. perrisi (Brisout de Barneville, 1882)   –   –   –   –   –   7   7   –
             M. ulicis (Stephens, 1830)       3    –     –    (5)   –    2    10   5
             M. (Micrambinus) bimaculata (Panzer, 1798)   4   –   6   –   –   –   10   –
             Ootypus globosus (Waltl, 1838)   –    –     –    (6)   2 (1)   –   9   7
             Paramecosoma melanocephalum (Herbst, 1793)   2   1+1*   1   (14)   –   1*(4)   24   18
             Pteryngium crenatum (Fabricius, 1798)   –   1   1   (25)   (1)   3   31   26
             Spaniophaenus termitophilus (Kieseritzky, 1936)  –   –   –   –   3   –   3   –
             Spavius glaber (Gyllenhal, 1808)   3   3    –   (19)   1   6 (1)   33   20
             Sternodea baudii Reitter, 1875   –    (1)   –    (2)   –    2    5    3
             S. lederi Reitter, 1876          –    –     –    –    –    1*    1    –
             S. miki Reitter, 1888            –    –     –    –    6    1*    7    –
             S. raddei Reitter, 1876          –    –     –    –    1    1*    2    –
             Telmatophilus brevicollis Aubé, 1862   –   1*   –   –   23 (1)   (5)   30   6
             T. caricis (Olivier, 1790)       3    1*    –    (4)   7 (2)   6   23   6
             T. sparganii (A. Ahrens, 1812)   –    (1)   –    –    21   1*    23   1
             T. typhae (Fallén, 1802)         3   1+1*   –   (33)   78   1 (4)   121   37

               The remaining 39 species are known for the Ukrainian Carpathians only from literature.
            Among them, 21 species were mentioned simultaneously in the articles of M. Łomnicki [13,
            14] and J. Roubal [22], 2 species (Atomaria scutellaris, Caenoscelis sibirica) mentioned only
            in J. Roubal, 7 – only in the works of M. Łomnicki, 1 species (Atomaria norica) is in the
            works  of  M.  Nowicki  [17],  L.  Miller  [16]  and  M.  Łomnicki  [13],  another  species
            (Cryptophagus confusus) – only in the work of S. Tenenbaum [23]. Almost all of these
            species are known in collections, but those specimens derive from other regions: in particular,
            30 of the 39 species mentioned above were discovered by the author among collections
            outside the Carpathians (Table 2).


               Sequentially consider the following important features of the collections: their content
            and volume, indexes of value, peculiarities of collections from the Carpathians, personal
            collections and migrations of collections, a brief overview of the most famous collectors.
   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35