Page 31 - Наукові записки ДПМ. Т 35/2019
P. 31
30 Ocheretna K.
Content and volume estimations of the collections
At the present moment, we can assume that this study covers almost all large collections
of silken fungus beetles that are stored in the natural museums of Ukraine. The volume of
known collections, according to the author, is at least 90% of the possible volume of all
collections that can be found in Ukraine. The collections with a plenty of gatherings from the
Ukrainian Carpathians are particularly valuable because it is as a region with a unique
diversity of natural landscapes and habitats, and this influences on a significant diversity of
its fauna, including Cryptophagidae.
The museum collections described in this work contain information on 1346 individuals
of 115 species of 16 genera of the Cryptophagidae family, mainly from the territory of
Ukraine, and adjacent territories of neighboring countries, particularly the Carpathians, the
East European Upland and the Caucasus. Also, it should be noted that 10 species of the
general list are not represented by actual specimens, and collections contain only their labels.
Two species of the genus Atomaria (A. alpina and A. grandicollis), 1 species of the genus
Caenoscelis (C. subdeplanata), 5 species of the genus Cryptophagus (C. baldensis, C.
hexagonalis, C. lapidicola, C. nitidulus, C. simplex), 1 species of the genus Curelius
(C. dilutus) and 1 species of the genus Sternodea (S. lederi). Separately, the author's
collection includes 1657 specimens of Cryptophagidae, which belong to 13 genera and
57 species, 9 of which are represented exclusively in this collection.
There still remains an open question about the presence of Cryptophagidae in the part of
the personal collections of C. Hormuzaki, K. Zelinka, E. Botezat, O. Marcu, K. Penecke,
dated from 1872 to 1937 years; such collections could be found in the zoological collections
of Yurii Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University [8], National Museum of Natural History
of the NAS of Ukraine (besides the collection of J.H. Hochhuth), and Zoological Museum of
Lviv National University between the funds.
Indices of value of the collections
The author considers it expedient to consider the following estimates of the value of the
collections on the basis of five criteria:
1) the number of specimens; if taking into account exclusively the collections analyzed
in this work, the number of specimens varies from 214 (collection of the National Museum
of Natural History) to 341 specimens (collection of the Museum of Natural History of
V. Karazin Kharkiv National University);
2) the number of species; the number of species of the family leads from 21 (collection
of the Museum of Natural History of V. Karazin Kharkiv National University) to 85 species
(collection of the Zoological Museum of T. Shevchenko Kyiv National University);
3) the number of genera; the largest number of genera is presented in the collection of the
Zoological Museum of Kyiv University and in the collection of the State Museum of Natural
History of the NAS of Ukraine (both collections contain 12 genera), the smallest – in the
collection of V. Lazorko in the funds of the I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of the
NAS of Ukraine (6 genera);
4) the number of unique species is the number of species that are represented only in some
of the collections, comparing to other analyzed collections, for example, in the collection of
SMNH there are 6 species of Cryptophagids (e.g., Cryptophagus subdepressus, C.
reflexicollis), which are known only from this collection;
5) the number of type specimens is a very important indicator, but there are no specimens
in the analyzed collections that would have a label marked as a "type."