Page 33 - Наукові записки ДПМ. Т 35/2019
P. 33

32                              Ocheretna K.

                                   the remaining 44 species are represented in collections only by specimens from territories
                                   outside the Carpathians.
                                      Some  species  of  the  general  list  of  the  Carpathian  Cryptophagids,  which  are  not
                                   confirmed  by  museum  specimens,  have  unequivocal  evidence  of  the  presence  in  the
                                   Carpathian region in literature or available among the author's collections. One of the most
                                   complete lists of fauna of the region is the articles of M. Łomnicki [14] and J. Roubal [22].
                                   In the text of both works there are 21 species from the list, 7 species are indicated only by M.
                                   Łomnicki, and 2 – only by J. Roubal. Other reviews are less in amount and most of them do
                                   not contain unique species (with the exception of the works of M. Nowicki [17] and L. Miller
                                   [16] [Atomaria norica], and the works of S. Tenenbaum [23] [Cryptophagus confusus]).

                                      Personal collections and "migrations" of the collections
                                      Among  the  investigated  collections,  the  collections,  created  by  the  famous  collectors
                                   O. Marcu, K. Penecke, J.H. Hochhuth and M. Łomnicki, have a particular value, because we
                                   can see the taxonomy, diagnostics and nomenclature of family species in the sense of the
                                   highly qualified entomologists of that time.
                                      The collection of O. Marcu has a difficult history of "migration" in the times during and
                                   after World War II, in particular, it has experienced the conveyance from territory of Austria-
                                   Hungary,  in  particular  to  Chernivtsi,  and  then  to  Kуіv.  The  collection  of
                                   J.H. Hochhuth changed its location in several different institutions, including the first Kyiv
                                   Gymnasium, the Kyiv Pedagogical Museum, the Zoological Museum of T. Shevchenko Kyiv
                                   National University, the Zoological Museum of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the
                                   Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the National Museum of
                                   Natural History of the NAS of Ukraine [26].
                                      Everything testifies the remarkable attention of colleagues and custodians of funds to the
                                   preservation of collections and this provides an opportunity to compare past and present
                                   fauna and knowledge about it. Such examples demonstrate that at all times and periods of
                                   academic and university difficulties the collections are regarded as one of the highest values,
                                   and entomologists of that time were made utmost efforts to preserve the collections, despite
                                   changes in the borders of the states, the status of institutions and their financing.

                                      Famous collectors
                                       Collections of Cryptophagids are created due to the work of dozens of collectors of
                                   different times, different countries and institutions, both academic and educational. Among
                                   them, it is important to note the following constellation of researchers:
                                      •  Bartenev,  Aleksandr  Fedorovych  (1953-2015),  Ukrainian  entomologist,  specialist  in
                                       coleopterology, especially Cerambycidae, worked in Department of Zoology and Animal
                                       Ecology, Kharkiv National University, there are 4 records in database about 5 specimens of
                                       3 species from Crimea and Baikal, which are stored in MNKU collection;
                                      •  Donets-Zakharzhevsky,  Dmytro  Andrijovych  (1784-1871),  Ukrainian  scientist  and
                                       collector, a descendant of famous noble Zakharzevsky family, an honorary citizen of
                                       Zmiiv.  The  database  contains  8  records  of  11  samples  of 6  species  from  Hungary,
                                       France, Germany and Ukraine (Kharkiv region), which are stored in the MNKU;
                                      • Drogvalenko, Aleksandr Nikolayevich (born in 1966), Ukrainian entomologist, head of
                                       the  department  of  invertebrates  of  the  Museum  of  Natural  History  of  V.  Karazin
                                       Kharkiv  National  University,  specialist  in  coleopterology.  In  the  database  are
                                       44 records of 138 specimens of 10 species of Cryptophagidae, collected mainly in the
                                       Kharkiv region, Crimea and Podіllya, and specimens are stored in the MNKU;
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