Page 35 - Наукові записки ДПМ. Т 35/2019
P. 35

34                              Ocheretna K.

                                       of 3 species of Cryptophagidae from Kharkiv region, Crimea and Dagestan, which are
                                       stored in MNKU;
                                      •  Suffrian,  Christian  Wilhelm  Ludwig  Eduard  (1805-1876),  German  entomologist,
                                       specialist  in  coleopterology, particularly  Chrysomelidae. There  are 3  records  in  the
                                       database of 10 specimens of 3 species of Cryptophagidae of Germany, which are stored
                                       in NMNH among the specimens of the J.H. Hochhuth's collection.
                                      Unfortunately,  there  are  no  specimens  from  the  collections  of  such  well-known
                                   researchers and authors as J. Roubal, S. Tenenbaum, M. Nowicki, J. Müller and L. Miller
                                   was found. It is possible that they are stored in natural museums of other countries, such as
                                   Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland or Austria.


                                      The analysis of the data presented in this review allows to confirm the following:
                                      1. The collections described in this paper contain information on 122 species of 16 genera
                                   of the Cryptophagidae family, mainly from the territory of Ukraine,  and the surrounding
                                   regions, the Carpathians, East European Upland and Caucasus. Among over 3000 copies in
                                   the general specimen list, including the author's collection, the proportion of new collections
                                   reaches 54% (n = 1657 specimens, 57 species).
                                      2. Due to the collections accumulated today in the natural museums of Ukraine, we have
                                   objective  data  valid  for  verification  concerning  the  existence  in  115  species  of
                                   Cryptophagidae in the concerned regions, and 10 species of this general list indicated on the
                                   labels, but not represented in collections by factual specimens.
                                      3. The richest species composition is the collection of Cryptophagids is in the Zoological
                                   Museum  of  T.  Shevchenko  Kyiv  National  University,  containing  304  specimens  of  85
                                   species, which also contains the largest number of species from the Carpathian region (23
                                   species).  The  second  place  is  the  collection  of  V.  Lazorko  from  the  funds  of  the
                                   I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of the NAS of Ukraine (17 species).
                                      4. The collection of the Zoological Museum of T. Shevchenko Kyiv National University
                                   holds the leading place in the uniqueness of collections: there are 12 species that are known
                                   only in this collection. The second largest number of unique specimens is the collection of
                                   V. Lazorko (10 species).


                                      The  author  is  sincerely  grateful  to  her  colleagues,  with  the  support  of  which  the
                                   collections  were  investigated:  V.  Rizun  (collection  of  SMNH,  Lviv),  A.  Drogvalenko
                                   (collection of MNKU, Kharkiv), O. Martynov (collection of NMNH, Kyiv). The author also
                                   thanks V. Chumak, O. Mateleshko and S. Farinets for the guidance and assistance. Special
                                   thanks to V. Korneev, I. Zagorodniuk and O. Klymyshyn for help in preparing this text for
                                   printing and guidance the processing of materials.

                                    1.  Akimov I.A., Kharchenko V.A., Puchkov A.V., Zerova M.D., Kolodochka L.A., Anistratenko V.V.,
                                       Fursov V.M., Cherney L.S., Levchuk O.M. Scientific fund collections of I.I. Schmalhausen Institute
                                       of Zoology, NAS of Ukraine // Proceedings of the National Museum of Natural History. – 2016. –
                                       Vol. 14. – P. 95-108. (In Ukrainian)
                                    2.  Bruce N. XIX. – Coleoptera, Cryptophagidae in the British Museum // Annals and Magazine of
                                       Natural History. – Taylor & Francis, 1952. – Vol. 50 (5). – P. 167-188.
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