Page 34 - Наукові записки ДПМ. Т 35/2019
P. 34

Cryptophagidae (Coleoptera) in the collections of Ukraine: Species …   33

               • Hochhuth, Jogann Heinrich (1810-1872), Ukrainian naturalist, first of all entomologist,
                 in the database there are 57 records of 180 specimens of 50 species of Cryptophagids
                 mainly from different localities of the Kyiv region; specimens are stored in NMNH;
               •  Grama,  Viktor  Mykytovych  (born  in  1937),  Ukrainian  entomologist,  specialist  in
                 coleopterology,  especially  Hydrophiloidea.  The  database  contains  17  records  of
                 23 specimens  of  6  species  of  Cryptophagidae  from  Kharkiv  region  and  Belgorod
                 Oblast, specimens are stored in NMNH;
               • Krynytsky, Ivan Andrijovych (1797-1838), Ukrainian zoologist, Professor of Kharkiv
                 University, specialist in entomology and malacology,  in particular, the author of a
                 number  of  taxa.  The  database  contains  4  records  of  4  species  of  Cryptophagidae
                 collected  on  the  environs  of  Kharkiv  during  1830-1831.  Specimens  are  stored  in
               • Lazorko, Volodymyr (1909-1990), Ukrainian (later Canadian) entomologist, specialist
                 in coleopterology, especially Cerambycidae. The database has 158 records (in fact, the
                 entire complete collection of Cryptophagidae in SIZK) of 263 specimens of 48 species
                 from  a  wide  range of  regions,  including  the  the  Carpathians,  Podіllya,  Austria  and
                 Sweden. Specimens are stored in SIZK;
               • Lgocki, Henryk (1861-1917), Polish entomologist, specialist in coleopterology, in the
                 database  there  are  2  records  of  2  species  of  Cryptophagidae  from  Podіllya  and
                 Prykarpattya, which are stored in SMNH;
               •  Łomnicki,  Marian  Alojzy  (1845-1915),  Polish  entomologist,  specialist  in
                 coleopterology, in the database there are 7 records of 7 species of Cryptophagidae in
                 SMNH,  which  we  are  associated  with  the  name  of  M.  Łomnicki  (direct  evidence,
                 including label inscriptions, is not available, but this is supposed on the basis of his
                 publications and dates of the collection of known specimens in the SMNH);
               • Marcu, Orest (1898-1973), Romanian entomologist, specialist in coleopterology, the database
                 contains 136 records of 304 specimens of 85 species, which are collected or identificated by
                 O. Marcu. In fact, this is almost whole collection of Cryptophagidae in ZMKU;
               •  Medvedev,  Sergey  Ivanovich  (1899-1979),  Ukrainian  entomologist,  specialist  in
                 coleopterology,  especially  Scarabaeidae,  and  the  larvae  of  beetles.  The  database
                 contains  21  record  of  27  specimens  of  8  species  of  Cryptophagidae  from  Kharkiv
                 region, Luhansk region, Crimea, Dnieper Ukraine. Specimens are stored in MNKU;
               •  Penecke,  Karl  Alfons  (1858-1944?),  Austrian  geologist,  paleontologist  and
                 entomologist, specialist in coleopterology, in particular Curculionidae. The database
                 contains 136 records of 304 specimens of 85 species of Cryptophagids from Bukovina
                 and the other territory of former Austria-Hungary, which are stored in ZMKU in the
                 collection of O. Marcu and K. Penecke;
               • Reitter, Edmund (1845-1920), Austrian entomologist, specialist in coleopterology. In
                 the database there are 2 records of 2 species of Cryptophagidae. One specimen is from
                 Austria (Carinthia) and second one is from Crimea (Feodosiya), which are stored in the
                 MNKU. Both labels are rewritten, not original;
               •  Rosenhauer,  Wilhelm  Gottlieb  (1813-1881),  German  entomologist,  specialist  in
                 coleopterology,  in  particular  systematics  and  taxonomy.  The  database  contains
                 2 records of 4 specimens of 2 species of Cryptophagids from Austria and Germany
                 stored in NMNH among the specimens of the J.H. Hochhuth's collection;
               •  Solodovnykova,  Vira  Serhiyivna (1930-2004),  Ukrainian  entomologist,  specialist  in
                 coleopterology, especially Curculionidae; there are 6 records in database of 6 specimens
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