Page 148 - Наукові записки ДПМ. Т 35/2019
P. 148

142                           Малиновський А.К.

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                                    78. Winkler  D.E.  Effects  of  climate  change  on  protected  and  invasive  plant  species  –
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                                   Державний природознавчий музей НАН України, м. Львів

                                   Malynovskyi A.
                                   Problem-analytical database of "Invasive species": structure, functions and perspectives of application
                                      Alongside  global  climatic  and  anthropogenic  changes  of  the  second  half  of  the  XX  century,
                                   problems of expanding habitats and the negative impact of invasive species on natural ecosystems have
                                   become more acute. Biological invasions are caused by a number of natural and anthropogenic factors:
                                   invasions associated with outbreaks of the population and the expansion of the habitat; introduction for
                                   practical purposes and cultivation in botanical gardens, nurseries; accidental spreading by transport
                                   network, by import of agricultural products, etc. Strategies for mitigating the effects of invasive species
                                   on the environment consist of objective assessments and reliable forecasts based on various potential
                                   scenarios of climate change and extent of environmental degradation.
                                      The database "Invasive species" was developed as the main component of the regional monitoring
                                   network of the resettlement control of invasive and potentially invasive plant species. It is based on the
                                   accumulation, generalization and multivariate analysis data analysis and the possibility of predicting
                                   further invasions under different scenarios of environmental changes.
                                      The obtained results will be the basis for the development of a new integrated technology for risks
                                   assessment  of invasion and the widest usage of effective methods of biocontrol in agriculture and
                                   forestry, health care and biodiversity conservation, monitoring of the invasive process, forecasting
                                   environmental situations, organizing measures to control invasive species and, ultimately, to ensure
                                   environmental and economic security. Information product in the form of a database provides access to
                                   the network resource and technologies is a subject of interest to a number of ministries and departments,
                                   a wide range of state and commercial structures working in various fields, and also serve as a social
                                   advertisement for improving environmental education.
                                      Key words: invasive species, database, ecological niche, adaptive potential, anthropogenic and
                                   climatic changes.
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