Kyyak V.H.
Mutual influence and conjugation between populations of alpine phytocoenoses in the Ukrainian Carpathians // Proc. of the State Nat. Hist. Mus. - Lviv, 2023. - 39. - P. 67-76
DOI: Key words: mutual influence between plants, populations, highlands of the Carpathians The results of studies of association and mutual influence between populations of plant species of the most common alpine phytocenoses in the Ukrainian Carpathians are shown in this work. Considering objects of the research such species have been taken into account: Calamagrostis villosa, Campanula alpinа, Carex curvula, C. sempervirens, Deschampsia cespitosa, Festuca airoides, Helictotrichon versicolor, Hieracium alpinum, Homogyne alpina, Juncus trifidus, Leontodon croceus, Ligusticum mutellina, Loiseleuria procumbens, Nardus stricta, Potentilla aurea, Rhododendron myrtifolium, Sesleria coerulans, Soldanella hungarica, Vaccinium myrtillus, V. uliginosum, V. vitisidaea. Typical alpine groups, which are located in the highest mountain range of the Ukrainian Carpathians - Chornohora in the range of altitude from 1750 m above sea level to peaks over 2000 m, have been researched in this work. The method of studying interactions based on the definition of conjugate occurrence and association in the mutual arrangement of species is applied. All neighboring individuals have been counted around individuals of the active species. The obtained data has been compared with the population density of these species in the contours of the studied phytocenosis area. If neutral interactions between species is considered, then the percentage ratio of individuals in populations, established by the neighborhood, should correspond to their percentage the ratio established by the average density in the phytocenosis. Significant deviations indicate mutual influence or association between species The existence of active interaction between most plant species of the alpine zone was found. Dominants of alpine phytocenosis express neutral or weak interaction among themselves. Asectatory species are less competitive, but more flexible in terms of occupying free ecological niches. A negative interaction is often found between dominants and asectators. The nature of the interaction between the same species can vary in different coenoses. In most cases the presence of plant species, which are considered as positive neighbors, creates prerequisites for colonization of areas. In addition to dominants, it is advisable to use Helictotrichon versicolor in particular, which successfully occupies unsown areas and has a positive interaction with many plant species, in order to restore phytocenoses of the alpine belt, where the turf cover has been disturbed.  
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