Seredyuk G.V., Koval N.P., Chumak V.O., Chumak M.V.
Grouping of the net-winget insects (Neuroptera) of the north-western part of the Polony Range within the «Uzhanskyi» NNP // Proc. of the State Nat. Hist. Mus. - Lviv, 2022. - 38. - P. 171-182
DOI: Key words: net-winged insects, Neuroptera, Ukrainian Carpathians, upper limit of the forest, groups, dominance structure, indices of species richness and diversity As a result of the research carried out in the upper border of the forest of the Poloninsk ridge, a total of 162 individuals of 16 species, from 8 genera and 2 families of net-winged insects (Neuroptera) were collected. Including - 1 species from the genus Chrysopa, 1 - Chrysoperla, 1 - Hypochrysa, 2 - Nineta, 1 - Drepanopteryx, 4 - Hemerobius, 3 - Micromus, 3 - Wesmaelius. It was established that most of the numerical values of the indices of species richness and diversity, except for the Berger-Parker index and the Margalef index, have higher values for the Stink Ridge. That is why we believe that the upper limit of the forest on the Stinka ridge has changed less under the influence of the anthropogenic factor. In our opinion, the higher value of the Berger-Parker index for Yavirnyk is associated with a significant degree of dominance of the mass species Hemerobius micans, and the Margalef Index is associated with the fact that more species of reticulata were registered here and the number of specimens collected is much higher. In all the collected material, Hemerobius micans accounts for 75.1% on Yavirnik and 54.8% on Stinka of the total number. There are also no recedents and subrecedents in the Neuroptera group on Stinka. The deviation from the normal distribution of species abundance in the direction of increasing dominance of several species allows us to state that both ecosystems are subject to anthropogenic stress, but are at different stages of successional processes.  
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