Chernobay Y.
Deductive museumization of the phytodetritus component of forest community // Proc. of the State Nat. Hist. Mus. - Lviv, 2021. - 37. - P. 3-16
DOI: Key words: Museumization, phytodetritis, litter, soils, forest habitats, meadows, ecotones, coevolution, integrity Detritus, in particular litter, turf and peat strata, silt along streams, as well as benthos, are systemic formations that can be differentiated into both elements and components. As an independent indicator of structural and functional indicator, litter-falling coefficient (LFC) - acts only up to the level of biogeocenosis. The suprabiogeocenotic (landscape) level is not a simple or weighted sum of biogeocenotic estimates. This should be a network integration of biogeochemical flows, where whole biogeocenoses can act as barrier systems. Therefore, the LFC indicator cannot be averaged for the landscape, but the indicators of anisotropy, dispersion, or chorology can be used, which can be reduced to a point indication (rating) of the ecosystem. The priority role of litter in the small biotic cycle is due to the fact that in natural ecotopes developed an effective mechanism of heterotrophic utilization of dead biomass. Due to this, the intensity of litter decomposition, estimated by the value of LFC, can be used to diagnose the stability of the ecotope. For the cycle of substances and the flow of energy, forest litter serves as a reserve fund, which ensures the stability of the ecosystem. From the point of view of system organization, the litter is a structural layer (detrital biogeohorizon). Therefore, litter as a bio-mineral formation can be considered from different positions - as part of the soil profile, or subsystem of the soil system, as an independent biogeocenotic body (as a system) and as a component link in the system of biogeocenoses. Detrital diagnostics allows to fairly objectively assess the risks to the continued existence of forests in an unstable buffer environment. With the help of these criteria it is possible to identify the direction of changes in sustainability indicators, which is extremely important in the early stages of decision-making on further plans to optimize and strengthen the buffer structures of forest community.  
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