Prots B.H., Pokynchereda V.F., Berkela Y.Y.
The result of the second stage of nomination of beech virgin and old-growth forests of Ukraine to the World Natural Heritage of UNESCO // Proc. of the State Nat. Hist. Mus. - Lwiw, 2019. - 35. - P. 89-96.
DOI: Key words: UNESCO nature heritage, beech virgin and old-growth forests, Ukraine The information about the process and the main results of the second stage of the process of nomination of Ukrainian sites of beech virgin and old-growth forests of Ukraine to the pan-European site of UNESCO World Natural Heritage "Beech forests and ancient forests of the Carpathians and other regions of Europe" are provided. Despite the individual comments of IUCN experts on the pan-European nomination, on July 7, 2017, at the UNESCO World Heritage Committee's 41 session (Krakow, Poland), a historic decision was made to extend the existing UNESCO World Heritage Site by 63 areas of beech forests and ancient forests from 10 European countries and its renaming to "Beech forests and ancient forests of the Carpathians and other regions of Europe". The World Heritage Committee has recognized the forests of Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and Ukraine as being a testament to the exceptional evolution and impact of beech ecosystems in Europe since the last ice age. In this new list Ukraine is represented by 9 sites, which are protected in the National Nature Parks "Synevyr", "Zacharovanyi Krai" and "Podilsky Tovtry" and Nature Reserves "Gorgany" and "Roztochia" with a total area of 5473,47 ha and an area of buffer zones 8161,55 ha. These parts are located on the territory of two beech forest regions, like Carpathian and Polonic-Podolic-Moldovan. As a result of the expansion, at present the Ukrainian component of the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Beech forests and ancient forests of the Carpathians and other regions of Europe" consists of 15 components with a total area of 28 985,97 hectares and an area of buffer zones 43035,85 hectares. The share of Ukraine in the territory of transnational serial heritage consists of 31.5%, and the share of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve - 22.8%. A new European dimension to nature protection cooperation (12 countries) has been created to improve the management and research of beech stands within the continent, to stimulate the creation of new nature conservation areas, as well as to create models of public approximation to UNESCO World Heritage Sites.  
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