Beshley S.V., Sokhanchak R.R., Baranov V.I., Karpinets L.I. Selection of resistant plants for the biotic stage of the recultivation of the dump of the Central concentrating mill "Chervonogradska" (Lviv region) // Proc. of the State Nat. Hist. Mus. - Lviv, 2019. - 35. - P. 83-88. DOI: Key words: Dumps of coal mines, microclimatic conditions, conditions of dumps substrates, resistant species The properties of the substrate and microclimate conditions were analyzed on various elements of the mesorelief of the dump of Central concentration mill "Chervonogradska". The most adverse conditions were found at the top of the dump and its terraces due to high intensity of lighting, temperature, high content of heavy metals in substrates and their actual acidity. It was shown that Pinus sylvestris L. is a promising species for the biotic recultivation stage for terraces of dumps. We recommended to use perennial grass root species of plants, e.g. Calamagrostis epigeios (L.) Roth and Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers., for recultivation a slopes of dumps. The Petasites hibridus L. and Phragmites australis Cav. Trin ex Steud. are offered for the renovation of the bases and microhardness of the dumps with sufficient moisture. The high remediation ability of plants and their affiliation by the environmental groups to heliophytes, thermophiles, acidophiles, oligotrophes and xeromezophytes are the main requirements for reclamation plants on the non-renovated dumps.  
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