Bedernichek T. Biogeochemistry of ornithogenic soils in Coastal Antarctica // Proc. of the State Nat. Hist. Mus. - Lviv, 2017. - 33. - P. 213-218. DOI: Key words: Coastal Antarctica, ornithogenic soils, Nacella concinna, Larus dominicanus, food chain Ornithogenic soils are usually considered to be formed as a result of breeding activities by sea birds. These soils are widespread in polar regions and in Coastal Antarctica in particular. It is believed that the most important impact of birds on soil formation in such environments is accumulation of guano – an important source of chemical elements and energy. In this paper we discuss an alternative point of view. We hypothesized that not only and not so much accumulation of guano, but also other bird-formed products significantly affect soil formation in Coastal Antarctica. An intensive biogenic flux of calcium from marine to terrestrial ecosystems in the food-chain: plankton + microbenthos → Nacella concinna → Larus dominicanus → guano + pellets (Nacella concinna shells) → soil strongly influences soil formation in Argentina islands by significant increase of soil pH values. The role of coral algae as an important source of calcium for terrestrial ecosystems of the Coastal Antarctic was shown. Further promising research priorities in the field of calcium biogeochemistry in polar environments were described.  
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