Page 90 - Наукові записки Державного природознавчого музею, 2023 Вип. 39
P. 90

88            Рагуліна М. Є., Орлов О. Л.,  Дмитрук Р. Я., Борняк У. І.

                                    Stanković I., Szabó B., Hauer T., Udovič М. 2023. Benthic Algae on Tufa Barriers. Plitvice Lakes.
                                       Springer. Р. 179–214.
                                    Zubel R., Danylkiv I., Rabyk I. et al. 2015. Bryophytes of the Roztocze region (Poland and Ukraine).
                                       Lublin : Libropolis. 218 p.

                                   1  Державний природознавчий музей НАН України, м. Львів
                                   2  Львівський національний університет ім. І.Франка
                                   e-mail:; e-mail:

                                   Ragulina М., Оrlov О., Dmytruk R., Bornyak U.
                                   Petrifying Springs of Lviv Roztocze and adjacent territories: the Retrospective and Modern Condition
                                      Eighty-four hard-water petrifying springs of Lviv Roztocze and adjacent  territories, which are
                                   forming 18 streams, were examined and their current state was assessed. The geographical position,
                                   geomorphological features, conditions of water sources and spring beds, character of tufa-forming
                                   processes, shapes of tufa formations and vegetation composition were described for each location.
                                      It was established, that travertine springs on the studied territory are related to the sources of small
                                   rivers associated with water-erosive landscape complexes. The high mineralization of groundwater,
                                   the specific structure of the river-erosion network, the location in a moisture warm climate zone, the
                                   development  of  colonies  of  calciphilic  organisms  (cyanobacteria,  algae,  bryophytes)  at  the
                                   watercourses led to the formation of a large travertine deposits here in the past.
                                      At the present time, the complex of natural factors is often accompanied by anthropogenic influence
                                   due to a long period of modification of the water resources of The Roztocze region. Now most of the
                                   petrifying springs are transformed by human activity, which significantly affects the intensity of tufa-
                                   forming processes. It was established, that a high level of anthropopression led to the transformation
                                   of most tufagenic watercourses and a decrease in the intensity of their activity: complete (when the
                                   processes of tufa genesis are stopped) or partial (when the processes slow downed or returned to the
                                   initial stage). Our survey of 84 sources showed that the majority of them are markedly anthropized
                                   (63.1%), about a quarter (23.8%) are lightly modified and are semi-natural in origin, and only a small
                                   part of them have a natural character now (13.1%). Among the four travertine formations known from
                                   the end of the 19th century, only two have survived (Chepin streams, Hamulets streams), while two
                                   more have been completely destroyed (Berekavitsa streams, the springhead of the Kabanivka river). It
                                   should be noted, that the active zone of tufa accumulation has noticeably decreased on 5 streams with
                                   natural or semi-natural sources (cascade on Hamulets stream, cascade on Hrybovytskyi stream, the
                                   left tributary of Chyshkivskyi stream, cascade on Chepin stream, a travertine body at the site of the
                                   bath  container  in  Lysynytskyi  stream).  Tufa  accumulation  processes  at  21  sources  (25.0%)  were
                                   artificially returned to the initial stage of formation due to the destruction of previously generated
                                   deposits there. Natural travertine formations of the region mainly have the form of cascades, rarely -
                                   waterfalls or crests and anthropogenic ones are mostly covered by concrete trunk. Regardless of their
                                   artificial origin, anthropogenic wells can be valuable habitats for the habitats of calciphilic bryophytes
                                   in urbanized areas. Natural and semi-natural travertine springs with saved biodiversity are can be
                                   potential objects of the Emerald network of the Roztocze region.
                                      Key words: petrifying (hard-water) springs, Lviv Roztochia, rare habitats, bryophytes.
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