Page 173 - Наукові записки Державного природознавчого музею, 2023 Вип. 39
P. 173

170                 Заморока А.М., Михайлюк-Заморока О.В.

                                   Zamoroka A.M., Mykhailiuk-Zamoroka O.V.
                                   Proposals for unification and use of the Ukrainian national nomenclature for native and exotic
                                   species  of  the  longhorn  beetles  (Coleoptera:  Cerambycidae)  in  Ukraine.  Part  III:  subfamilies
                                   Lepturinae and Necydalinae
                                      The emerging and development of Ukrainian biological nomenclature has a long tradition that
                                   dates back more than a century and a half. The Ukrainian vernacular nomenclature of the longhorn
                                   beetles is found in scientific publications, starting from the middle of the 19th century. For the most
                                   part,  these  are  names  collected  from  oral  folk  speech.  The  stage  of  scientific  construction  of  the
                                   Ukrainian vernacular nomenclature began at the beginning of the 20th century. Further development
                                   and use of the Ukrainian vernacular nomenclature was artificially interrupted for political reasons in
                                   the  middle  of  the  20th  century.  We  examined  in  detail  this  historical  dimension  of  the  Ukrainian
                                   vernacular nomenclature of the longhorn beetles from its origin, development, artificial interruption to
                                   the modern need for its restoration, and also proposed a methodology for the formation of the modern
                                   names. This is presented in the first part of our study. In the first and second parts, we also provided a
                                   detailed  Ukrainian  vernacular  nomenclature  of  the  longhorn  beetles  for  three  subfamilies:
                                   Spondylidinae, Prionunae, and Cerambycinae. The other three subfamilies - Lepturinae, Necydalinae
                                   and  Lamiinae  are  still  not  codified,  and  their  Ukrainian  vernacular  nomenclature  has  not  been
                                   developed. The current (third) part of our study is devoted to the unification and codification of the
                                   Ukrainian  national  vernacular  nomenclature  of  the  names  of  two  subfamilies:  Lepturinae  and
                                   Necydalinae. Ukrainian vernacular names of taxa from these subfamilies are very few and scattered in
                                   a number of papers published over the last 160 years, starting from 1864. Such an unusual situation
                                   occurred despite the fact that these beetles are among the most common and recognizable in the fauna
                                   of Ukraine, numbering 79 species from 37 genera, 9 tribes and 2 subfamilies. Today, there is a critical
                                   lack  of  their  vernacular  names  for  use  in  scientific,  technical,  popular,  educational  and  fiction
                                   literature. The main principles we used for the unification and codification of the longhorn beetles
                                   Ukrainian vernacular nomenclature: 1) only the binomial name of a specific taxon consisting of the
                                   name of the genus (noun) and the specific epithet (adjective) is suitable for use; 2) the names of taxa in
                                   the  form  of  three-  and  four-nomen,  transliterations  from  Latin,  transfers  from  Russian  and  other
                                   languages, appositions, names with a hyphen are unsuitable for use; 3) priority is given to the oldest
                                   or  most  used  Ukrainian names; 4) proposals  for  new  names  were  made only  if  necessary.  It  was
                                   revealed that for the indicated subfamilies, only 24 taxa (19%) out of 127 have Ukrainian vernacular
                                   names. These include 17 species, 6 genera, 1 tribe. At the same time, only 3 binomens and 8 specific
                                   epithets  have  been  considered  suitable  for  use,  since  they  correspond  to  the  defined  rules  of
                                   nomenclature. The rest are unsuitable due to non-compliance with the criteria of the nomenclature. On
                                   the whole, we unified and codified 137 names of the  longhorn beetles in the Ukrainian language,
                                   including 6 subspecies, 79 species, 1 subgenus, 39 genera, 9 tribes, 1 supertribe and 2 subfamilies. For
                                   the first time, we proposed Ukrainian names for 123 taxa of different ranks.
                                      Key words: Ukrainian vernacular nomenclature, the longhorn beetles, Lepturinae, Necydalinae.
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