Page 188 - Наукові записки Державного природознавчого музею, 2022 Вип. 38
P. 188

Огляд роду Amischa Thomson, 1858…                 185

            pronounced sexual dimorphism. In males, tergite VIII weakly concave to deeply excised,
            antero-laterally with long processes; sternite VIII much longer than tergite VIII, posteriorly
            convex, truncate, or excised, and often with characteristic arrangement of long black setae;
            median  lobe  of  aedeagus  rather  large  in  relation  to  body  size,  with  bulbous  capsule,
            pronounced  crista  apicalis,  very  long  crista  proximalis,  and  usually  with  distinct  long
            sclerotized basal structures in internal sac. Paramere of very intricate structure, apical lobe
            short, broad, and flattened. In females, tergite VIII posteriorly truncate, broadly concave, or
            with distinct median excision, anterolaterally with shorter processes than in male; sternite
            VIII slightly longer than tergite VIII, posteriorly broadly convex, in the middle sometimes
            weakly  concave,  with  dense  and  short  marginal  setae.  Spermatheca  with  moderately  to
            strongly enlarged distal portion, more or less straight median portion, and coiled proximal
            portion (usually 1–2 coils).
               Representatives of the genus Amischa are found in wet places, on river banks and lakes
            shores in plant remains, in moist grasslands, in a flooded willow thicket near rivers, in mixed
            forests, and on calcareous slopes, both on flat meadow and steppe areas, and high in the
            mountains, partly together with other Amischa species. The beetles fly to light traps at dusk.

                              Amischa analis (Gravenhorst, 1802) (Figs 1. a)
               Material.  Ukraine.  CRI:  Radianskyi  d.,  Zavitne,  10.08.2003,  light  trap,  1  spec.,  S.
            Glotov; same locality but, lake shore, in rotten plant remains, 12.08.2003, light trap, 4 spec.,
            S. Glotov (all – CGL); mount Chatyrdah, 26.08.1978, 1 spec., А. Petrenko (SIZK). СER:
            Chernivtsi  [Bukowina,  Cernowitz],  5  spec.,  (ZMTSNU).  СRK:  Kaniv  d.,  Kaniv  Nature
            Reserve, 20.07.2008, 1 spec., S. Beliakova (CGL). DON: Volodarske d., Kamiani Mohyly
            Nature Reserve, light trap, 25–27.06.2010, 1 spec., S. Glotov; Debaltseve, ravine forest, litter
            layer, 1.05.2012, 1 spec., S. Glotov (all – CGL); Donetsk, 27.08.1999, 1 spec., T. Trykhleb
            (SIZK); same locality but, Park of Leninskyi Komsomol, litter layer, 26.05.2001, 1 spec., V.
            Martynov  (ZMDОNU);  Kostiantynivka  d.,  Kleban-Byk  Regional  Landscape  Park,  1–
            2.07.2010, 1 spec., S. Glotov (all – CGL); Novoazovsk d., Khomutovskyi Steppe Nature
            Reserve, floodplain of riv. Hruzskyi Yelanchyk, light trap, 25–27.06.2010, 5 spec., S. Glotov
            (all – CGL); Snizhne, 1–5.06.1998, 1 spec., S. Konovalov; same locality but, 1–15.07.1999,
            1 spec., S. Konovalov; same locality but, 22.07.2000, 1 spec., S. Konovalov; Chystiakove
            (Torez), light trap, 1–10.05.1996, 1 spec., S. Konovalov; same locality but, 16–20.05.1996,
            1 spec., S. Konovalov; same locality but, 1–20.06.1996, 1 spec., S. Konovalov; same locality
            but,  1–24.06.1996,  1  spec.,  S.  Konovalov;  same  locality  but,  1–15.07.1996,  3  spec.,  S.
            Konovalov;  Shakhtarsk,  1–5.06.1999,  1  spec.,  S.  Konovalov  (all  –  CKN);  Sloviansk  d.,
            Bohorodychne, 4.08.2004, 2 spec.; Sviatohirsk, 6.08.2004, 2 spec. (all – ZMLG); Sloviansk,
            shore of a salt lake, light trap, 4.07.2010, 4 spec., S. Glotov (CGL). KRO: Svitlovodsk d.,
            Biletskivka, 12.08.1982, 1 spec., А. Petrenko (SIZK). KYI: Kyiv [К.], 1 spec., J. Hochhuth
            (NMNH).  LUG:  Alchevsk  d.,  Alchevsk,  05.2000,  1  spec.  (ZMLG);  Brianka,  1 spec.,  I.
            Severov  (CSV);  Antratsyt  d.,  Bobrykove,  6.06.2008,  1  spec.,  S.  Konovalov;  Diakove,
            27.04.1999, 1 spec., S. Konovalov; same locality but, 11.05.2000, 2 spec., S. Konovalov;
            same locality but, 19.05.2000, 2 spec., S. Konovalov; same locality but, 22.05.2005, 1 spec.,
            S.  Konovalov;  same  locality  but,  3.06.2006,  1  spec.,  S.  Konovalov;  same  locality  but,
            11.06.2006, 1 spec., S. Konovalov; same locality but, 26.06.2006, 1 spec., S. Konovalov;
            same  locality  but,  1–25.06.2007,  1  spec.,  S.  Konovalov  (all  –  CKN);  Ivanivka,  17.04.–
            05.05.2011, 1 spec., V. Landyk (CGL); Novokrasnivka, 15.06.2008, 1 spec., S. Konovalov;
            Platonivka, 20–22.07.2008, 1 spec., S. Konovalov (all – CKN); Rovenky, Dubova Balka, at
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