Page 187 - Наукові записки Державного природознавчого музею, 2022 Вип. 38
P. 187

184                              Glotov S.V.

                                   (Uzhhorod, CCH); V. Foroshchuk (Luhansk, CFR); S. Konovalov (Severodonetsk, CKN);
                                   N. Koval (Velyke Berezne, CKV); I. Severov (Rubizhne, CSV); P. Voitko, (Skole, CVT).
                                      Collecting and laboratory processing of the material was carried out according to standard
                                   methods of entomological research.
                                      The  taxonomic  position  of  species,  authors  and  years  of  taxon  description  are  given
                                   according  to  the  Staphylinidae  catalogues  for  the Palaearctic region  (Schülke,  Smetana,
                                   2015). Abbreviations and depositories. Province codes of Ukraine: CRI – Crimea, СER –
                                   Chernivtsi,  СRK  –  Cherkasy,  DON  –  Donetsk,  IFR  –  Ivano–Frankivsk,  KRO  –
                                   Kropyvnytskyi, KYI – Kyiv, LUG – Luhansk, LWI – Lviv, MYK – Mykolaiv, ODE – Odesa,
                                   POL  –  Poltava,  RIV  –  Rivne,  SUM  –  Sumy,  TER  –  Ternopil,  VOL  –  Volyn,  ZAK  –
                                   Zakarpattya; (NNR) – National Nature Reserve; (RLP) – Regional Landscape Park; (c) –
                                   city; (r) – region; (riv) – river; (v) – village; (d) – district.
                                      Results. The type species of the genus Amischa: Aleochara analis Gravenhorst, 1802
                                   (=Amischa analis). Amischa is a large genus of the subfamily Aleocharinae, which has more
                                   than 63 species in the world fauna. There are 30 known species in the fauna of Palaearctic
                                   (Assing,  2021),  4  of  which  (A.  analis,  A.  bifoveolata,  A.  decipiens,  A.  nigrofusca)  are
                                   represented in the fauna of Ukraine.

                                   Fig. Representatives of Amischa analis (a), A. bifoveolata (b), A. decipiens (c), A. nigrofusca (d).

                                      Diagnosis  of  the  genus  Amischa.  Body  length  1,7-4  mm.  The  color  of  the  body  in
                                   different representatives of the genus varies greatly from yellowish to blackish coloration,
                                   elytra,  antennae,  mandibular  tentacles  and  legs  are  light  brown.  Body  small,  oval  and
                                   somewhat parallelsided, slightly flattened from above. Entire body is moderately densely
                                   finely  punctate  and  evenly  covered  with  short  light  bristles  with  a  distinct  reticulate
                                   microsculpture. Head of trapeziform shape, dilated posteriorly. Ligula broad and apically
                                   convex, undivided, anteriorly concave, in the middle membranous. Antennae slender and
                                   short, articles 5–10 slightly transverse or elongated. Pronotum transverse, the greatest width
                                   in the center of the disc, front and back corners of the disc rounded, center slightly flattened,
                                   with  pubescence  on  disc  forming  distinct  pattern,  usually  directed  lateroposteriad  from
                                   midline.  Elytra  slightly  longer  than  pronotum.  Foot  formula  4–4–5.  Abdomen  densely
                                   punctate;  segment  VII  longer  than  segment  VI.  Tergite  VIII  and  sternite  VIII  with
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