Page 63 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 37 (Lviv, 2021)
P. 63

62                        Рукавець Є.В., Гуштан Г.Г.

                                    26. Subías,  L.S.  Listado  sistemático,  sinonímico  y  biogeográfico  de  los  ácaros  oribátidos
                                       (Acariformes: Oribatida) del mundo (excepto fósiles) (15ª actualización). Graellsia, 60 (número
                                       extraordinario).  2004.  3–305.  Available  from:
                                       (accessed March 2021, 532 pp.).
                                    27. Weigmann, G. Hornmilben (Oribatida): Acari, Actinochaetida. – Goecke & Evers, Keltern, 2006.
                                       – 520 pp.

                                   Державний природознавчий музей НАН України, м. Львів

                                   Rukavec E.V., Hushtan H.H.
                                   Nothrid mites (Acari: Oribatida: Nothridae) in the collection of the State Natural Historical
                                   Museum of NAS of Ukraine
                                      According to current data, the world fauna of mites of the family Nothridae is represented by 3
                                   genera and 98 species [26]. 7 species are known for Ukraine, and all of them are presented in the
                                   collection of the State Museum of Natural History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
                                   This is a material that was collected by Serhiienko M.I., Melamud V.V., Kaprus I.Y., Susulovskyi A.S.,
                                   Vozniak I.R., Kazakov V.I., Hushtan H.H. during 1980-2014, in the territories of Ukraine and Poland.
                                   The purpose of our work was to compile a catalog of the collection of Nothridae of the State Museum
                                   of Natural History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. This generalization for Nothridae
                                   was made for the first time. The article is a catalog of oribatid mites of the Nothridae family of the
                                   collection of the State Museum of Natural History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
                                   (Lviv,  Ukraine).  The  article  contains  information  about  62  storage  units  (micropreparations)  of
                                   Oribatida, belonging to 7 species (Nothrus anauniensis Canestrini & Fanzago, 1876, Nothrus biciliatus
                                   Koch,  1841,  Nothrus  borussicus  Sellnick,  1928,  Nothrus  lucunosus  Sergienko  &  Melamud,  1993,
                                   Nothrus palustris Koch, 1839, Nothrus pratensis Sellnick, 1928, Nothrus silvestris Nicolet, 1855. In
                                   total, the collection contains 305 specimens. For each species there is an inventory number, place and
                                   date of discovery, biotope, who collected and identified the material. The material is collected from the
                                   following  regions:  Stryiskyi,  Skolivskyi,  Lvivskyi,  Sambirskyi,  Mykolaivskyi,  Yavorivskyi,
                                   Zolochivskyi,  Zhovkivskyi  district,  Lvivska  region  (Ukraine);  Vynohradivskyi,  Uzhhorodskyi,
                                   Mukachivskyi,  Irshavskyi,  Tiachivskyi,  Mizhhirskyi,  Berehivskyi,  Rakhivskyi  district, Zakarpatska
                                   region (Ukraine); Nadvirnianskyi district, Ivano-Frankivska region (Ukraine); Berezhanskyi district,
                                   Ternopilska region (Ukraine); Kamianets-Podilskyi district, Khmelnytska region (Ukraine); Nyzhni
                                   Ustryky (Poland). A map of armor mite finds in the collection of the State Museum of Natural History
                                   is presented.
                                      Key words: oribatid mites, catalog, museum, the main fund, habitat.
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